
Node task runners for common front-end tasks


Node task runners for compiling CSS, creating SVGs, and more.

This repo accompanies our CSS+icons framework, queso-ui. Use the the task runners here, to compile the assets in that framework.


npm install @texastribune/queso-tools --save-dev


yarn add @texastribune/queso-tools --dev


modules params
styles dirs, manifest (manifest is optional if you want files with hashed names)
icons dirs
copy dirs

Using these tasks in the wild

Most of the tasks expect an array of directories or files with an input, in: key, and output, out: key. To set this up, create a file called paths.js and declare your map of paths.


// paths.js
const SCSS_DIR = './scss';
const CSS_OUTPUT_DIR = './css/';
const SVG_LIB_DIR = './node_modules/@texastribune/queso-ui/icons/base';
const SVG_OUTPUT_DIR = './templates/includes';

const CSS_MAP = [
    in: `${SCSS_DIR}/styles.scss`,
    out: CSS_OUTPUT_DIR,
    in: `${SCSS_DIR}/styles2.scss`,
    out: CSS_OUTPUT_DIR,
// The "in" key for icons should be an array; you can mix and match icons from @texastribune/queso-ui and some stored locally
const SVG_MAP = [
    in: [
    out: `${SVG_OUTPUT_DIR}/my-svg-sprite.html`,

// copy contents of a directory into another directory
// and/or copy a directory/file into another-directory/file
const COPY_MAP = [
    in: SVG_LIB_DIR,
    out: SVG_OUTPUT_DIR,
    in: `${SVG_LIB_DIR}/twitter.svg`,
    out: `${SVG_OUTPUT_DIR}/twitter.svg`,
// use if you'd like the outputted CSS to have hashed file names
const MANIFEST_FILE = `${CSS_OUTPUT_DIR}styles.json`;

module.exports = {

Now create a build.js file in that same folder where you'll reference these paths and begin to call the various tasks in this package.

That could look something like the following:

// build.js
const { styles, icons, copy } = require('@texastribune/queso-tools');
const { CSS_MAP, MANIFEST_FILE, SVG_MAP, COPY_MAP } = require('./paths');

async function build() {
  await styles(CSS_MAP, MANIFEST_FILE);
  // OR (use await if you had to glob to get your map)
  // const stylesArr = await CSS_MAP();
  // await styles(stylesArr, MANIFEST_FILE);
  await icons(SVG_MAP);
  await copy(COPY_MAP);

  .catch((err) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

Now run node build.js in your local environment to fire the build script.


Make sure you're authenticated for npm publishing.

  1. npm login - then follow the prompts
  2. npm run release
npm i @texastribune/queso-tools


  • MIT
  • >=14.0.0
  • The Texas Tribune Engineering Team
  • released 5/26/2023
