
Kendo UI React component starter template
Kendo UI React

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A starter repository for Kendo UI React components, which provides the basic directory structure and dependencies.


  • The src directory contains the component source code. All files should be have the .jsx extensions so that the build scripts may pick them.

  • The src/main.jsx file should import and re-export all public components of the package. It is used for the build-cdn task. It is also the main entry point for the NPM package (as specified by the package.json). The build-npm-package transpiles it to dist/npm/js/main.js;

  • The src/Component.jsx file is the actual sample component implementation.

  • The src/util.jsx is an optional example of an additional file - you may remove it if unnecessary.

  • The examples directory hosts the demos for the component. As a bare minimum, the component should have a basic usage and a CDN example. The CDN example should work as expected after the build-cdn task has been run.

  • The test directory contains the component tests. They are transpiled just like the source code itself, and are run with Jasmine in NodeJS.

  • The e2e directory contains the end-to-end tests. They are transpiled just like the source code itself, and are run with Karma and Jasmine in the browser.

  • The docs directory contains markdown files that document the specifics of the component.

Gulp tasks

  • build-npm-package - builds the scripts and styles in dist/npm in CommonJS format;
  • build-cdn - builds the scripts and styles in dist/cdn in UMD format.
  • start - starts the webpack-dev-server (with browsersync in front of it) - suitable for example preview, development and testing.
  • test - runs the tests with Jasmine in NodeJS.
  • watch-test - runs the tests in watch mode.
  • docs - launches a preview server for the documentation in the docs directory
npm i @telerik/kendo-react-component-base


