
Kendo UI Angular 2 component starter template
Kendo UI AngularJS 2

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A starter repository for Kendo UI Angular components, which provides the basic directory structure and dependencies.

WARNING: the current test setup is extremely brittle and (mostly) based on the AngularClass starter repository. There are several very ugly things, we hope that these will be gradually cleared as the framework matures.

WARNING: After cloning the repo and running npm install, run npm run typings.


  • The src directory contains the component source code. All files should have the .ts extensions so that the build scripts may pick them.

  • The src/main.ts file should import and re-export all public components of the package. It is used for the build-cdn task. It is also the main entry point for the NPM package (as specified by the package.json). The build-npm-package transpiles it to dist/npm/js/main.js;

  • The src/kendo-component.ts file is the actual sample component implementation.

  • The src/util.ts is an optional example of an additional file - you may remove it if unnecessary.

  • The examples directory hosts the demos for the component. As a bare minimum, the component should have a basic usage and a CDN example. The CDN example should work as expected after the build-cdn task has been run.

  • The test directory contains the component tests. They are transpiled just like the source code itself, and run with Jasmine in Karma (PhantomJS).

  • The e2e directory contains the end-to-end tests. They are transpiled and run with Jasmine in Karma (Google Chrome).

  • The docs directory contains markdown files that document the specifics of the component.


  • Fork the repository to an appropriately named new one;
  • Change the package name/description in package.json; change the reference to the theme package;
  • Change the library name in gulpfile.js;
  • Change the src/kendo-component.ts file name to something more meaningful;
  • Delete the current contents and put something nice in README.md.

Gulp tasks

  • build-npm-package - builds the scripts and styles in dist/npm in CommonJS format;
  • build-cdn - builds the scripts and styles in dist/cdn in UMD format.
  • start - starts the webpack-dev-server (with browsersync in front of it) - suitable for example preview, development and testing.
  • test - runs the tests with Jasmine in Karma/PhantomJS.
  • watch-test - runs the tests in watch mode.
  • e2e - runs the e2e tests with Jasmine in Karma/Google Chrome.
npm i @telerik/kendo-angular-component-base


