
Visualize RxJS pipes with scrolling UI elements
rxjs ui debugger graph chart visual reactive

npm (scoped) NPM npm


A graphical user interface to visualize RxJS pipes in the browser.


It can be difficult to ensure RxJS subscriptions are properly disposed of, or that events are firing as expected in relation to other pipes.

How it works

On import, an element will be appended automatically to the browser document body with a high z-index. There are two methods of debugging: fullAnalysis, and tag. Full will track all subscriptions automatically. Tag will monitor the subscriptions and emissions through the pipe.


yarn add -D @taterer/rxjs-debugger


npm i --save-dev @taterer/rxjs-debugger


Call fullAnalysis at the beginning of your code to track all subscriptions in your application. Click on the "Delta" column header to zero-out the delta, and track changes from there. EG: zero-out, navigate to a new page, come back and verify the delta is 0. Click on subscriptions in the UI to get a stack trace in the console to track down exactly where the subscriptions are coming from.

import { fullAnalysis } from "@taterer/rxjs-debugger";

Call tag in any RxJS pipeline in your code to visualize subscriptions and emissions in the browser. Anytime a "tag" in a pipe is subscribed to, it will show a track in the debugger. Events through the pipe will appear as icons that scroll across the page for 10 seconds. Events are also logged in the console. When a subscription is completed, or unsubscribed it will be displayed in the debugger, and logged; the track will disappear after 5 seconds.

import { tag } from "@taterer/rxjs-debugger";

const subscription = observable

The slow operator can be helpful in interpreting the flow

import { slow, tag } from "@taterer/rxjs-debugger";

const subscription = observable

Equivalent to

import { concatMap, timer, map } from 'rxjs';
import { tag } from "@taterer/rxjs-debugger";

const subscription = observable
  concatMap(i => timer(1000).pipe(map(() => i))),


RxJS Debugger uses material icons, and provides an enum with some of the options for easy reference. You can also specify a color to more easily track events in the console.

import { tag, Icon } from "@taterer/rxjs-debugger";

const subscription = observable
  tag({ name: 'Example', color: 'gold', icon: Icon.hotel })
npm i @taterer/rxjs-debugger


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Taylor McKay
  • released 10/3/2022

