
Visual primitives such as typography, color, and spacing that are shared across platforms.


Visual primitives such as typography, color, and spacing for Circuit UI Web.

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Depending on your preference, run one of the following in your terminal:

# With npm
npm install @sumup/design-tokens

# With yarn v1
yarn add @sumup/design-tokens


The design tokens are exported as CSS custom properties. Choose a color scheme, then import the corresponding CSS file globally in your application, such as in Next.js' app/layout.tsx file:

// app/layout.tsx
import '@sumup/design-tokens/light.css';

function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

The application code must be processed by a bundler that can handle CSS files. Next.js, Create React App, Vite, Parcel, and others support importing CSS files out of the box.

Refer to the theme documentation for a complete reference of the available tokens.

Color schemes

Single color scheme

For applications that support a single color scheme, import the @sumup/design-tokens/light.css or @sumup/design-tokens/dark.css themes. They contain the complete set of design tokens, in light and dark mode respectively. The tokens are defined globally on the :root element. The themes can be used independently or with a scoped theme.

Scoped color scheme

To apply a different color scheme to a subset of an application, import the @sumup/design-tokens/light-scoped.css or @sumup/design-tokens/dark-scoped.css themes. They contain only color tokens which are scoped to the data-color-scheme="light" and data-color-scheme="dark" selectors respectively. The themes must be used alongside a full theme to ensure that all design tokens are defined.

Multiple color schemes

For applications that support switching between light and dark color schemes, import the @sumup/design-tokens/dynamic.css theme. It contains all tokens defined globally on the :root element, the dark color tokens scoped to the prefers-color-scheme: dark media query, and the scoped themes. By default, the color scheme follows the system settings. Add the data-color-scheme attribute on the document root to set a specific color scheme.

Ensure that users have full control over their preferred color mode: dark, light, or match system. Their choice should be persisted between devices and sessions. There should be no Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme (FART), regardless of whether the app is client-side or server-side rendered.

Legacy JavaScript theme

[!WARNING] The JavaScript theme is being replaced by CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables) to improve performance and compatibility with other frameworks. We recommend installing the @sumup/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui ESLint plugin and turning on the prefer-custom-properties and no-invalid-custom-properties rules to help with the migration.

The light theme is meant to be used with Emotion.js' ThemeProvider:

import { light } from '@sumup/design-tokens';
import { ThemeProvider } from '@emotion/react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

const Bold = styled.strong`
  font-weight: ${(p) => p.theme.fontWeight.bold};

function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={light}>
      <Bold>This styled component has access to the theme.</Bold>

The theme is a plain JavaScript object, so you can use it in other ways, too.

With prop types

The package exports a themePropType which can be used to check the theme prop:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withTheme } from '@emotion/react';
import { themePropType } from '@sumup/design-tokens';

function ComponentWithInlineStyles({ theme, label }) {
  return <div style={{ borderRadius: theme.borderRadius.kilo }}>{label}</div>;

ComponentWithInlineStyles.propTypes = {
  theme: themePropType.isRequired,
  label: PropTypes.string,

export default function withTheme(ComponentWithInlineStyles);

With TypeScript

The package exports a Theme interface that can be used to augment Emotion.js' types as described in the Emotion.js docs:

import '@emotion/react';
import type { Theme as CircuitUITheme } from '@sumup/design-tokens';

declare module '@emotion/react' {
  export interface Theme extends CircuitUITheme {}
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