
This package includes the shareable Stylelint configuration used by [Studio Freight](https://github.com/studio-freight) on every website.


This package includes the shareable Stylelint configuration used by Studio Freight on every website.


Install this package:

npm install --save-dev @studio-freight/stylelint-config-base-css


yarn add --dev @studio-freight/stylelint-config-base-css

Then create a file named .stylelintrc with following contents in the root folder of your project:

  "extends": "@studio-freight/stylelint-config-base-css"

you're gucci.


Standard rules

High Performance Animation

Prettier settings:

    useTabs:  false,
    tabWidth:  2,
    printWidth:  80,
    singleQuote:  false,
    trailingComma:  "none",
    jsxBracketSameLine:  false,
    semi:  false

make sure you have the following setting enabled in VSCode:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true

since prettier is already included here, you don't need to run any prettifying tools on your end, stylelint already does that for you, you're welcome!

npm i @studio-freight/stylelint-config-base-css


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Franco Arza
  • released 11/3/2021
