
### Installation

Scroll Snap Carousel

Scroll Snap Carousel is a helper to enhance the native CSS Scroll Snap experience. If you ever wanted to use CSS Scroll Snap to create a carousel but were missing basic features like "active dots" indicator and drag scroll, this is for you!


- Via npm npm install @snap-carousel/core --save or for React npm install @snap-carousel/react --save

- Via Yarn yarn add @snap-carousel/core or for React yarn add @snap-carousel/react


  .carousel-container {
    scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    overflow-x: auto;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

With React

import {
} from '@snap-carousel/react';
import '@snap-carousel/core/dist/styles.css';

const Component = () => {
  useDragToScroll({ ref });

  return (
    <div ref={ref} className="carousel-container">
      {slides.map((slide) => (
        <div className="slide" key={slide}>

For more advanced usage see the example.

:warning: This project is a WIP!

Scroll Snap Carousel is a carousel based on native CSS Scroll Snap. It is dependency free with vanilla JS at its core, but comes with support for various frameworks. It's a rework of react-snaplist-carousel in vanilla JS.

  • Smoother than ever since it uses native CSS Scroll Snap, scroll behaviour basically can't be smoother!
  • Native scroll experience trackpad scroll, touch swipe, etc. all of this comes for natively, without cost, thanks to CSS Scroll Snap.
  • Lightweight it really doesn't do much.
  • Works everywhere with plugins for React, Svelte, Vue and Angular (soon?).
npm i @snap-carousel/react


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/3/2023

