
The `quiz` package lets us add quiz questions to email sequences by linking to the questions from the ends of emails and then triggering the addition of specific tags in ConvertKit.


The quiz package lets us add quiz questions to email sequences by linking to the questions from the ends of emails and then triggering the addition of specific tags in ConvertKit.

Each of those tags can then be set up in ConvertKit to trigger the next email in the sequence. (Or anything else tags can do in ConvertKit.) This creates a better learning experience because it only sends the next email at the point someone is ready for it rather than just sending one after another regardless of whether they're ready for it.

When using the quiz questions in emails, it's important to configure ConvertKit to automatically add the ck_subscriber_id query string value to all links in the emails. That's how the tags are tied back to the relevant subscriber.

The Process for setting up quiz questions and connecting them in ConvertKit is currently a work-in-progress and lives in Roam. It goes into_more details of how to set up the quiz questions and answers and how to wire everything up.

Quiz Configuration

The top-level quiz configuration can be be found in src/config.ts. It controls the product title, author, and the 'after completion messages'. The defaults are generally good, but these can be customized for individual partner products if we need to adjust the tone/voice of the messaging.

Question & Answer Configuration

Three Types

  • 1. essay will present a textarea for the learner to type a response
  • 2a. multiple-choice with one correct answer will present the options as radio buttons
  • 2b. multiple-choice with more than one correct answer will present the options as checkboxes

You can view complete examples below, but here's a quick overview of how it all works. The QuestionSet is JSON where each key represents one question. That key is then used in the URL to determine which question is displayed.

ex. example.com/answer?question=<key>

The questions have the following attributes to determine how they work:

  • question - The content of the question that's displayed to the learner
  • type - One of either essay for a textarea-based response or multiple-choice for either radio-button-based or checkbox-based responses
  • tagId - The ConvertKit Tag ID value. ConvertKit doesn't expose it in the UI, but if you navigate to a specific Tag from the "Subscribers" area, the Tag ID will be in the URL.

If the type is multiple-choice, these additional options determine how the answers are configured and handled.

  • correct - A single string or array of string values representing which of the options in the choices section represent correct answers. If a single string is provided, the UI will use radio buttons for the chioces. If multiple correct answers are provided, the UI will use checkboxes.
  • answer - A string to provide a summarized explanation of the correct answer.
  • choices - An array of JSON values with answer and label
    • answer - The unique string identifier for the answer. This is the key for identifying which choices are the "correct" answers using the correct key above.
    • label - The text to display as an option in the multiple-choice setup

Generating Links

You can link to specifi questions using the following URL format:

<Product Domain>/answer?question=<key>

Replace <Product Domain> with the partner product domain and <key> with the relevant QuestionSet key for the question.


For more details on the larger process and context of how to set up quiz questions for partner products, you can use the Set Up Quiz Questions and Answers block in Roam.



import {useQuestion, questionToShow} from '@skillrecordings/quiz'
import {QuestionResource} from '@skillrecordings/types'

const currentQuestion: QuestionResource = {
  question: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?',
  type: 'essay',

const question = useQuestion({
  currentQuestion: currentQuestion,

return questionToShow(question)

Question set

import {useQuestion, questionToShow, getConfig} from '@skillrecordings/quiz'
import {QuestionSet} from '@skillrecordings/types'

const questionSet: QuestionSet = {
  welcome: {
    question: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?`,
    type: `essay`,
    tagId: 1234567,
  exercise: {
    question: `Lorem ipsum dlor sit amet?`,
    type: `multiple-choice`,
    tagId: 1234567,
    correct: 'yes',
    answer: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.`,
    choices: [
        answer: 'yes',
        label: 'Yes',
        answer: 'no',
        label: 'No',

const currentQuestion = get(questionSet, 'welcome')

const question = useQuestion({
  currentQuestion: currentQuestion,
  config: getConfig('Product Title', 'Joe Doe'),

return questionToShow(question)

Answer programmatically

const question = useQuestion({
  currentAnswer: 'true',


Import default styles

@import '@skillrecordings/quiz/dist/styles/index.css';
npm i @skillrecordings/quiz


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Joel Hooks
  • released 11/28/2023
