
This MySQL simulator offers a super easy API that, at the highest level, looks like:

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This MySQL simulator offers a super easy API that, at the highest level, looks like:

import simulate from '@simplehealth/mysql-simulator';

const db = simulate('./path/to/migrations');

The resulting DB instance is an in-memory representation of the final DB state after applying all the SQL migrations in order, exactly as it would be in MySQL. The DB object can now conveniently be introspected, for example:

for (const table of db.getTables()) {
  console.log(`- ${table.name}`);

const users = db.getTable('users');
console.log(users.getColumn('email').getTypeInfo().baseType); // varchar
console.log(users.getColumn('email').getTypeInfo().nullable); // true
console.log(users.getColumn('email').toString()); // `email` varchar(254) DEFAULT NULL

// Or just print out the whole table definition, conveniently
// CREATE TABLE `users` (
//   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
//   `partner_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
//   `external_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
//   `date_created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
//   `name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
//   `email` varchar(254) DEFAULT NULL,
//   ...

These objects are fully Flow-typed.

Usage from the command line

There's a command line interface that might help you if you simply want to apply some migrations and output the resulting table definitions:

$ bin/mysql-simulate <path>

This assumes a directory of *.sql files containing SQL statements, which are numbered sequentially, for example: 0001-create-table.sql, 0002-change-field.sql, etc.

To run it on all *.sql migration files in a directory:

$ bin/mysql-simulate path/to/migrations

This will simulate running the migrations found in that directory sequentially. At the end, the DB's state is outputted as a single SQL table definition dump.

For developers

Regenerating the parser

After changing the grammar file (src/parser/mysql.pegjs), you need to recompile the parser:

$ yarn build:parser

Running the test suite

The test suite for this project is a little bit different from "normal" JavaScript project tests. It's invoked by

$ yarn test

And will basically do the following for all test files found in tests/*.sql:

  1. Run test files against a real, running, MySQL database. Output to tests/real/*.sql.
  2. Run test files against the simulator. Output to tests/simulated/*.sql.
  3. Diff the results. No diff means test suite passes.

This setup offers the level of confidence that the simulator is actually working as expected, and at the same time makes it really easy to add specific test cases later on: simply add a new *.sql file!

npm i @simplehealth/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/11/2022
