
This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).

Wormhole Connect

Integration does not get easier than this. Wormhole Connect is an easy seamless experience that will help to bring all the functionality of the Wormhole Token Bridge right into your application.


Customize and integrate via our no-code solution: https://connect-in-style.wormhole.com/

Integrate with script/link tags

1. (Optional) Create a JSON config with customized values:

See WormholeConnectConfig in src/config/index.ts for a full view of the supported config parameters.

See src/config/examples.md for working examples of different config values.

Environment (env):

Mainnet Testnet
mainnet testnet

Networks (networks):

Mainnet Testnet
ethereum goerli, sepolia
polygon mumbai
bsc bsc
avalanche fuji
celo avalanche
moonbeam moonbasealpha
solana solana
sui sui
aptos aptos
base basegoerli, base_sepolia
osmosis osmosis
evmos evmos
kujira kujira
injective injective
klaytn klaytn
arbitrum arbitrumgoerli, arbitrum_sepolia
optimism optimismgoerli, optimism_sepolia

Osmosis support is in beta, reach out to a Wormhole contributor for early access.

RPCs (rpcs):

We recommend that you configure your own custom RPC endpoints for each used network for the best performance. The default public RPCs may be throttled or rate limited. See src/config/examples.md.

Tokens (tokens):

Mainnet Testnet
ETH ETH, ETHsepolia
USDCavax USDCavax
ETHarbitrum ETHarbitrum, ETHarbitrum_sepolia
WETHarbitrum WETHarbitrum, WETHarbitrum_sepolia
USDCarbitrum USDCarbitrum
ETHoptimism ETHoptimism, ETHoptimism_sepolia
WETHoptimism WETHoptimism, WETHoptimism_sepolia
USDCoptimism USDCoptimism
ETHbase ETHbase, ETHbase_sepolia
WETHbase WETHbase, WETHbase_sepolia
tBTCpolygon tBTCpolygon
tBTCoptimism tBTCoptimism
tBTCarbitrum tBTCarbitrum
tBTCbase tBTCbase
tBTCsol tBTCsol
wstETH wstETH

Adding Tokens (tokensConfig)

You can add arbitrary tokens to the Connect tokens menu by providing a tokensConfig key. See the "Arbitrary Token" example in src/config/examples.md.

Routes (routes)

Mainnet Testnet
bridge bridge
relay relay
cctpManual cctpManual
cctpRelay cctpRelay
cosmosGateway cosmosGateway
tbtc tbtc

Mode (mode):

dark light

Theme (customTheme)

See theme.ts for examples

2. Add your config

Add a container div with the id wormhole-connect. This is where the bridge will be rendered.

<div id="wormhole-connect" />

If you created a config from step 1, stringify it and assign to the config attribute on the container element.


2. Add a script and link tag

<!-- paste below into index.html body -->
<script type="module" src="https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/[email protected]/dist/main.js"></script>
  href="https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/[email protected]/dist/main.css"

Note that the wormhole-connect div with your config has to be present before the scripts are loaded. If your application loads it after, you may need to add the scripts like this:

function mount() {
  const script = document.createElement("script");
  script.src =
    "https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/[email protected]/dist/main.js";
  script.async = true;
  script.type = "module";

  const link = document.createElement("link");
  link.href =
    "https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/[email protected]/dist/main.css";


Integrate with React

import WormholeBridge from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge />;

(Optional) Specify supported networks/tokens and custom RPC endpoints. Your users may encounter rate limits using public RPC endpoints if you do not provide your own

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  env: "mainnet",
  networks: ["ethereum", "polygon", "solana"],
  tokens: ["ETH", "WETH", "MATIC", "WMATIC"],
  rpcs: {
    ethereum: "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth",
    solana: "https://rpc.ankr.com/solana",

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

(Optional) Customize theme

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
import lightblue from "@mui/material/colors/lightBlue";

// alters the `light` theme
const customized: Theme = light;
customized.success = lightblue;
customized.background.default = "transparent";
customized.button.action = "#81c784";
customized.button.actionText = "#000000";

const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  mode: "light",
  customTheme: customized,

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

(Optional) Create fully customized theme

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
import lightblue from "@mui/material/colors/lightBlue";
import grey from "@mui/material/colors/grey";
import green from "@mui/material/colors/green";
import orange from "@mui/material/colors/orange";

const customized: Theme = {
  primary: grey,
  secondary: grey,
  divider: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[20],
  background: {
    default: "#232323",
  text: {
    primary: "#ffffff",
    secondary: grey[500],
  error: red,
  info: lightblue,
  success: green,
  warning: orange,
  button: {
    primary: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[20],
    primaryText: "#ffffff",
    disabled: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[10],
    disabledText: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[40],
    action: orange[300],
    actionText: "#000000",
    hover: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[7],
  options: {
    hover: "#474747",
    select: "#5b5b5b",
  card: {
    background: "#333333",
    secondary: "#474747",
    elevation: "none",
  popover: {
    background: "#1b2033",
    secondary: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[5],
    elevation: "none",
  modal: {
    background: "#474747",
const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  mode: "dark",
  customTheme: customized,

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

Configuration Options

Wallet Connect Project ID

Required in order to display Wallet Connect as a wallet option. You can get a project ID on https://cloud.walletconnect.com/. Refer to the wallet connect documentation for more information on v2.

Toggle Hamburguer Menu

By setting the showHamburgerMenu option to false, you can deactivate the hamburger menu, causing the links to be positioned at the bottom.

Add extra menu entry

By setting the showHamburgerMenu option to false, you can use the menu array to add extra links.

property description
menu[].label link name to show up
menu[].href target url or urn
menu[].target anchor standard target, by default _blank
menu[].order order where the new item should be injected

Sample configuration

  "showHamburgerMenu": false,
  "menu": [
      "label": "Advance Tools",
      "href": "https://portalbridge.com",
      "target": "_self",
      "order": 1

CoinGecko API Key

If you have a CoinGecko API Plan, you can include the API key in the configuration. In case you do not have the API key, follow this steps.

More Networks

Specify a set of extra networks to be displayed on the network selection modal, each of them linking to a different page/dApp/mobile app the user will be redirected to.

Property description
moreNetworks.href Default value for missing network hrefs mandatory
moreNetworks.target Default value for missing network link targets optional, defaults to _self
moreNetworks.description Brief description that should be displayed as tooltip when the user hover an more network icon. Used as default for missing network descriptions optional
moreNetworks.networks[].icon URL data encoded icon to display mandatory
moreNetworks.networks[].href Network href to redirect to. If present, the values {:sourceChain} and {:targetChain} are replaced with the selected currently selected chains before redirecting optional
moreNetworks.networks[].label Display text mandatory
moreNetworks.networks[].name Unique network key optional, defaults to a snake_case version of the label
moreNetworks.networks[].description Description value optional, defaults to moreNetworks.description
moreNetworks.networks[].target href target value optional, defaults to moreNetworks.target
moreNetworks.networks[].showOpenInNewIcon Disable top right open in new icon optional, defaults to true if target is _blank or false if target is _self
  "moreNetworks": {
    "href": "https://example.com",
    "target": "_blank",
    "description": "brief description that should be displayed as tooltip when the user over an more network icon",
    "networks": [
        "icon": "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='91' height='91' viewBox='0 0 91 91' fill='none'%3E%3Ccircle cx='45.5' cy='45.5' r='45.5' fill='%23E8E8EC'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M26.833 25.8333C26.2807 25.8333 25.833 26.281 25.833 26.8333V63.1666C25.833 63.7189 26.2807 64.1666 26.833 64.1666H63.1663C63.7186 64.1666 64.1663 63.7189 64.1663 63.1666V48.7333C64.1663 48.4571 63.9425 48.2333 63.6663 48.2333C63.3902 48.2333 63.1663 48.4571 63.1663 48.7333V63.1666H26.833V26.8333L41.2663 26.8333C41.5425 26.8333 41.7663 26.6094 41.7663 26.3333C41.7663 26.0571 41.5425 25.8333 41.2663 25.8333H26.833ZM64.0199 25.9797C64.0321 25.9919 64.0435 26.0046 64.0542 26.0177L64.1663 26.324L64.1663 26.3342V37.5333C64.1663 37.8094 63.9425 38.0333 63.6663 38.0333C63.3902 38.0333 63.1663 37.8094 63.1663 37.5333V27.5404L41.6199 49.0868C41.4246 49.2821 41.1081 49.2821 40.9128 49.0868C40.7175 48.8915 40.7175 48.575 40.9128 48.3797L62.4592 26.8333H52.4663C52.1902 26.8333 51.9663 26.6094 51.9663 26.3333C51.9663 26.0571 52.1902 25.8333 52.4663 25.8333H63.666H63.6663C63.6823 25.8333 63.6983 25.834 63.7143 25.8355C63.7632 25.8402 63.8116 25.8521 63.8577 25.8712C63.9167 25.8956 63.972 25.9318 64.0199 25.9797Z' fill='%230F1022'/%3E%3Cpath d='M63.1663 63.1666V64.1666H64.1663V63.1666H63.1663ZM26.833 63.1666H25.833V64.1666H26.833V63.1666ZM26.833 26.8333L26.833 25.8333L25.833 25.8333V26.8333H26.833ZM41.2663 26.8333L41.2663 25.8333H41.2663L41.2663 26.8333ZM64.0542 26.0177L64.9934 25.6742L64.9356 25.5161L64.8292 25.3857L64.0542 26.0177ZM64.0199 25.9797L64.727 25.2726L64.727 25.2726L64.0199 25.9797ZM64.1663 26.324L65.1662 26.3158L65.1648 26.1429L65.1054 25.9806L64.1663 26.324ZM64.1663 26.3342L65.1664 26.3342L65.1663 26.326L64.1663 26.3342ZM63.1663 27.5404H64.1663V25.1261L62.4592 26.8333L63.1663 27.5404ZM40.9128 49.0868L40.2057 49.7939L40.2057 49.7939L40.9128 49.0868ZM40.9128 48.3797L40.2057 47.6726L40.2057 47.6726L40.9128 48.3797ZM62.4592 26.8333L63.1663 27.5404L64.8734 25.8333H62.4592V26.8333ZM63.7143 25.8355L63.8096 24.8401L63.8095 24.8401L63.7143 25.8355ZM63.8577 25.8712L64.2401 24.9472L64.24 24.9472L63.8577 25.8712ZM26.833 26.8333V26.8333V24.8333C25.7284 24.8333 24.833 25.7287 24.833 26.8333H26.833ZM26.833 63.1666V26.8333H24.833V63.1666H26.833ZM26.833 63.1666H26.833H24.833C24.833 64.2712 25.7284 65.1666 26.833 65.1666V63.1666ZM63.1663 63.1666H26.833V65.1666H63.1663V63.1666ZM63.1663 63.1666V65.1666C64.2709 65.1666 65.1663 64.2712 65.1663 63.1666H63.1663ZM63.1663 48.7333V63.1666H65.1663V48.7333H63.1663ZM63.6663 49.2333C63.3902 49.2333 63.1663 49.0094 63.1663 48.7333H65.1663C65.1663 47.9048 64.4948 47.2333 63.6663 47.2333V49.2333ZM64.1663 48.7333C64.1663 49.0094 63.9425 49.2333 63.6663 49.2333V47.2333C62.8379 47.2333 62.1663 47.9048 62.1663 48.7333H64.1663ZM64.1663 63.1666V48.7333H62.1663V63.1666H64.1663ZM26.833 64.1666H63.1663V62.1666H26.833V64.1666ZM25.833 26.8333V63.1666H27.833V26.8333H25.833ZM41.2663 25.8333L26.833 25.8333L26.833 27.8333L41.2663 27.8333L41.2663 25.8333ZM40.7663 26.3333C40.7663 26.0571 40.9902 25.8333 41.2663 25.8333V27.8333C42.0948 27.8333 42.7663 27.1617 42.7663 26.3333H40.7663ZM41.2663 26.8333C40.9902 26.8333 40.7663 26.6094 40.7663 26.3333H42.7663C42.7663 25.5048 42.0948 24.8333 41.2663 24.8333V26.8333ZM26.833 26.8333H41.2663V24.8333H26.833V26.8333ZM64.8292 25.3857C64.7971 25.3464 64.763 25.3086 64.727 25.2726L63.3128 26.6868C63.3012 26.6752 63.2899 26.6628 63.2793 26.6497L64.8292 25.3857ZM65.1054 25.9806L64.9934 25.6742L63.1151 26.3611L63.2271 26.6675L65.1054 25.9806ZM65.1663 26.326L65.1662 26.3158L63.1663 26.3322L63.1664 26.3425L65.1663 26.326ZM65.1663 37.5333V26.3342H63.1663V37.5333H65.1663ZM63.6663 39.0333C64.4948 39.0333 65.1663 38.3617 65.1663 37.5333H63.1663C63.1663 37.2571 63.3902 37.0333 63.6663 37.0333V39.0333ZM62.1663 37.5333C62.1663 38.3617 62.8379 39.0333 63.6663 39.0333V37.0333C63.9425 37.0333 64.1663 37.2571 64.1663 37.5333H62.1663ZM62.1663 27.5404V37.5333H64.1663V27.5404H62.1663ZM42.327 49.7939L63.8734 28.2475L62.4592 26.8333L40.9128 48.3797L42.327 49.7939ZM40.2057 49.7939C40.7915 50.3797 41.7412 50.3797 42.327 49.7939L40.9128 48.3797C41.108 48.1844 41.4246 48.1844 41.6199 48.3797L40.2057 49.7939ZM40.2057 47.6726C39.6199 48.2584 39.6199 49.2081 40.2057 49.7939L41.6199 48.3797C41.8152 48.575 41.8152 48.8915 41.6199 49.0868L40.2057 47.6726ZM61.7521 26.1261L40.2057 47.6726L41.6199 49.0868L63.1663 27.5404L61.7521 26.1261ZM52.4663 27.8333H62.4592V25.8333H52.4663V27.8333ZM50.9663 26.3333C50.9663 27.1617 51.6379 27.8333 52.4663 27.8333V25.8333C52.7425 25.8333 52.9663 26.0571 52.9663 26.3333H50.9663ZM52.4663 24.8333C51.6379 24.8333 50.9663 25.5048 50.9663 26.3333H52.9663C52.9663 26.6094 52.7425 26.8333 52.4663 26.8333V24.8333ZM63.666 24.8333H52.4663V26.8333H63.666V24.8333ZM63.6663 24.8333H63.666V26.8333H63.6663V24.8333ZM63.8095 24.8401C63.7619 24.8355 63.7141 24.8333 63.6663 24.8333V26.8333C63.6505 26.8333 63.6347 26.8325 63.619 26.831L63.8095 24.8401ZM64.24 24.9472C64.1011 24.8897 63.9559 24.8541 63.8096 24.8401L63.619 26.831C63.5706 26.8264 63.5221 26.8146 63.4754 26.7952L64.24 24.9472ZM64.727 25.2726C64.5845 25.1301 64.4184 25.0209 64.2401 24.9472L63.4754 26.7952C63.4151 26.7702 63.3594 26.7334 63.3128 26.6868L64.727 25.2726Z' fill='%230F1022'/%3E%3C/svg%3E",
        "name": "more",
        "label": "More networks",
        "href": "https://portalbridge.com/#/transfer",
        "showOpenInNewIcon": false,

More Tokens

Show a special entry on the select tokens modal which redirects the user to a different page/dApp/mobile app.

Property description
moreTokens.label Display text mandatory
moreTokens.href URL to redirect to. If present, the values {:sourceChain} and {:targetChain} are replaced with the selected currently selected chains before redirecting mandatory
moreTokens.target href target optional, defaults to _self


Enable explorer button to allow users to search for his transactions on a given explorer filtering by his wallet address

Property description
explorer.label Display text optional, defaults to Transactions
explorer.href URL of the explorer, for instance https://wormholescan.com/. If present, the values {:address} is replaced with the connected wallet address mandatory
explorer.target href target optional, defaults to _blank
npm i @shane-moore/wormhole-connect


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/8/2024

