
Export Sanity documents and assets
sanity cms headless realtime content export ndjson


Exports documents and assets from a Sanity dataset


npm install --save @sanity/export


const exportDataset = require('@sanity/export')

  // Instance of @sanity/client configured to correct project ID and dataset
  client: someInstantiatedSanityClientInstance,

  // Name of dataset to export
  dataset: 'myDataset',

  // Path to write tar.gz-archive file to, or `-` for stdout
  outputPath: '/home/your-user/myDataset.tar.gz',

  // Whether or not to export assets. Note that this operation is currently slightly lossy;
  // metadata stored on the asset document itself (original filename, for instance) might be lost
  // Default: `true`
  assets: false,

  // Exports documents only, without downloading or rewriting asset references
  // Default: `false`
  raw: true,

  // Whether or not to export drafts
  // Default: `true`
  drafts: true,

  // Export only given document types (`_type`)
  // Optional, default: all types
  types: ['products', 'shops'],

  // Run 12 concurrent asset downloads
  assetConcurrency: 12,

Future improvements

  • Restore original filenames, keep track of duplicates, increase counter (filename (<num>).ext)
  • Skip archiving on raw/no-asset mode?


This functionality is built in to the @sanity/cli package as sanity dataset export


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.

npm i @sanity/export


  • MIT
  • >=18
  • Sanity.io
  • released 7/22/2024
