
Automatically add links to headings in Markdown.
headings link automatic markdown remark

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Automatically add links to headings in Markdown.

This package integrates with remark-html. It may be better to work with rehype, which is specifically made for HTML, and to use rehype-autolink-headings instead of this package.


With npm do:

npm install remark-autolink-headings --save


remark-autolink-headings is designed to work with remark-html & remark-slug, and creates GitHub style links for each of your headings.

Say we have the following markdown file, example.md:

# Lorem ipsum 😪
## dolor—sit—amet
### consectetur & adipisicing
#### elit
##### elit

And our script, example.js, looks as follows:

var fs = require('fs');
var unified = require('unified');
var markdown = require('remark-parse');
var html = require('remark-html');
var slug = require('remark-slug');
var headings = require('remark-autolink-headings');

var result = unified()
    // Note that this module must be included after remark-slug.


Now, running node example yields:

<h1 id="lorem-ipsum-"><a href="#lorem-ipsum-" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a>Lorem ipsum 😪</h1>
<h2 id="dolorsitamet"><a href="#dolorsitamet" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a>dolor—sit—amet</h2>
<h3 id="consectetur--adipisicing"><a href="#consectetur--adipisicing" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a>consectetur &#x26; adipisicing</h3>
<h4 id="elit"><a href="#elit" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a>elit</h4>
<h5 id="elit-1"><a href="#elit-1" aria-hidden="true"><span class="icon icon-link"></span></a>elit</h5>


remark.use(headings, [options])



Type: string Default: prepend

Set this to prepend to inject the link before the heading text; append after it, and wrap to wrap the whole heading text with the link. Note that supplying wrap will ignore any value defined by the content option.


Type: Object|Array Default: {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: {className: [icon, `${icon}-${link}`]} }

Supply a list of HAST nodes or a single node here. For further details, please refer to the specification at https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast.


Type: object

By default, when using the append or prepend behaviour, this will add aria-hidden="false" to the anchor. When using the wrap behaviour, this is left empty for you to add any extra HTML attributes.


Pull requests are welcome. If you add functionality, then please add unit tests to cover it.


MIT © Ben Briggs

npm i @rigor789/remark-autolink-headings


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/13/2018

