
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
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Remix Icon For React

Remix Icon is a set of open-source neutral-style system symbols for designers and developers. Unlike a patchwork icon library, 2600+ icons are all elaborately crafted so that they are born with the gene of readability, consistency and perfect pixels. Each icon was designed in "Outlined" and "Filled" styles based on a 24x24 grid. Of course, all the icons are free for both personal and commercial use.

icon demo View the full set of Remix Icons at remixicon.com.


npm install @remixicon/react
# or
yarn add @remixicon/react
# or
pnpm install @remixicon/react


import { RiHeartFill } from '@remixicon/react'

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
            size={36} // set custom `width` and `height`
            color="red" // set `fill` color
            className="my-icon" // add custom class name
npm i @remixicon/react


