
Wrapper around the Kiota command line for generating client SDKs from OpenAPI.
kiota openapi codegen rest


Kiota Gen is a wrapper around the Kiota CLI tool that is used to generated client SDKs from OpenAPI specifications.

This package can be used, for example, in a standard node.js/npm project to generate a client for a REST API.


In your package.json file, you must add the @redhat-developer/kiota-gen package as a dev dependency, something like this:

  "name": "kiota-gen-example",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@redhat-developer/kiota-gen": "0.1.0"

Once this is done, and npm install is run, you can use kiota`` as a command in the scriptssection of yourpackage.json`. For example:

  "name": "kiota-gen-example",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "scripts": {
    "kiota-help": "kiota --help",
    "kiota-generate": "kiota generate -l typescript -d openapi.yaml -c MyGeneratedClient -o ./client"

See the documentation for Kiota for more information on usage of the Kiota CLI.


By default, this package will use the most recent version of Kiota, downloaded from the Kiota GitHub repository (based on the most recent GitHub release of Kiota). It will download and unpack that released binary to a temporary local location and execute the CLI from there.

You can optionally customize the above behavior. This is done by setting ENV variables. The following ENV variables are available:

Variable Name Description Default Value
KIOTA_VERSION The version of Kiota to use. latest
KIOTA_DOWNLOAD_URL Where to download Kiota from. https://github.com/microsoft/kiota/releases/download
KIOTA_DOWNLOAD_DIR Where to download Kiota to. ./.kiota
npm i @redhat-developer/kiota-gen

