
A React hook for debouncing setState and other callbacks
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A React hook for debouncing setState and other callbacks

Quick Start

import {useDebounce, useDebounceCallback} from '@react-hook/debounce'

const Component = (props) => {
  // at a basic level, used just like useState
  const [value, setValue] = useDebounce('initialValue')

const useMyCallback = (initialState, wait, leading) => {
  // this is the same code useDebounce() uses to debounce setState
  const [state, setState] = useState(initialState)
  return [state, useDebounceCallback(setState, wait, leading)]


useDebounce(initialState, wait?, leading?)

A hook that acts just like React.useState, but with a setState function that is only invoked after the wait time in ms has been exceeded between calls.

export const useDebounce = <State>(
  initialState: State | (() => State),
  wait?: number,
  leading?: boolean
): [State, Dispatch<SetStateAction<State>>]


Property Type Default Description
initialState State | (() => State) The initial state provided to React.useState
wait number 100 The amount of time in ms you want to wait after the latest call before setting a new state.
leading boolean false Calls setState on the leading edge (right away). When false, setState will not be called until the next frame is due

Returns [state, setStateDebounced, setStateImmediate]

Variable Type Description
state State The current value in state
setStateDebounced Function A debounced setState callback
setStateImmediate Function The regular, immediate setState callback

Note: Using setStateImmediate does not cancel a queued setStateDebounced calls, i.e., the setStateDebounced will still take effect once its wait time is over. If needed, cancelling behavior could typically still be achieved by calling both setStateImmediate and setStateDebounced with the same value.

useDebounceCallback(callback, wait?, leading?)

A hook that will invoke its callback only after wait time in ms has been exceeded between calls.

export const useDebounceCallback = <CallbackArgs extends any[]>(
  callback: (...args: CallbackArgs) => void,
  wait = 100,
  leading = false
): ((...args: CallbackArgs) => void)


Property Type Default Description
callback (...args: CallbackArgs) => void This is the callback you want to debounce. You need to wrap closures/unstable callbacks in useCallback() so that they are stable, otherwise throttling will break between renders.
wait number 100 Defines the amount of time you want setState to wait after the last received action before executing
leading boolean false Calls setState on the leading edge (right away). When false, setState will not be called until the next frame is due

Returns debouncedCallback

Variable Type Description
debouncedCallback (...args: CallbackArgs) => void A debounced version of your callback



npm i @react-hook/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 11/26/2019

