
A package which helps build native, build-less tests which run on [es-dev-server](https://npm.im/es-dev-server). For example when using the setup as recommended by [`@open-wc/testing-karma`](https://npm.im/@open-wc/testing-karma).


A package which helps build native, build-less tests which run on es-dev-server. For example when using the setup as recommended by @open-wc/testing-karma.

It provides stubs for some commonly used packages which require stream or readable-stream and are thus unsuitable for testing scenarios which only run on native ES modules or have limited commonjs support.

Stubbed out modules:

  • @rdf-esm/formats-common
  • into-stream
  • string-to-stream

Setup with @open-wc/testing-karma

You need to add a result transformer to the karma-esm section of the configuration file.

const fakeStreamModules = require('@rdfjs-elements/testing')

module.exports = config => {
    merge(createDefaultConfig(config), {
      esm: {
        responseTransformers: [
  return config

Mocking formats-common

In your test, import the mocked parsers or serializers and preset them with a single-use result. It will be discarded the first time it the mocked format is imported.

import { parsers } from '@rdfjs-elements/testing-helpers'
import { dataset } from '@rdf-esm/dataset'

describe('my code', () => {
  it(`can parse without "native" streams`, () => {
    const parsed = dataset()
    parsers.set('text/turtle', parsed)
    const result = parsers.import('text/turtle')
npm i @rdfjs-elements/testing


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Zazuko GmbH
  • released 12/21/2020

