
Configuration settings loader
configuration settings


Config Reader is a module to ease configuration settings load and validation with the help of JSON schemas.


npm install --save @randlabs/js-config-reader


const ConfigReader = require("@randlabs/js-config-reader");

const settings = await ConfigReader.initialize(options);


const ConfigReader = require("@randlabs/js-config-reader");
const settings = await ConfigReader.initialize({
    source: path.join(__dirname, "./settings.json"),
    schema: path.join(__dirname, "./settings.schema.json")

The options parameter is an object with the following fields:

  • source - Source location of the configuration settings. Can be a filename or url depending on the used loader. Optional.
  • envVar - Environment variable name used to find the source. Optional. I.e.: Define export MY_SETTINGS=/home/myuser/settings.json and set MY_SETTINGS as the envVar.
  • cmdLineParam - Command-line parameter to use to find the source. Optional. I.e.: If settings is specified, then the code will look for the --settings command-line parameter.
  • loader - Loader function used to load the configuration settings. Optional.
  • schema - Schema location or JSON Schema object to validate configuration settings. Optional.
  • schemaOpts - Additional options to pass to the JSON Schema validator. Optional.
  • extendedValidator - Specifies an additional settings validator. Optional.
  • usingClusters - Prepares usage for a cluster environment. Optional.


Apache 2.0

npm i @randlabs/js-config-reader

