
Set of WorkForce Management tools

RainCatcher WFM

RainCatcher WorkFlow Management module is an TypeScript implementation for an equivalent subset of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) specification.

This module allows users to map a business process into an organized set of tasks that can be built by developers to suit business needs.


The WFM module consists of a set of TypeScript interfaces and implementations for Process Management. The module's main entities are:

  • WorkFlow: contains an ordered set of definitions of Steps than are instantiated into a WorkOrder for execution
  • WorkOrder: instance of a WorkFlow to be executed
  • Step: defines a single unit of work
  • StepResult: the output of the execution of a Step
  • WorkOrderResult: Tracks the progress of a WorkOrder

The classes are framework-agnostic which allows a developer to focus on the implementation of Business Processes on top of any new or existing solution.

Getting Started

  1. install all dependencies:

If inside the lerna-based mono repo: lerna bootstrap --scope=@raincatcher/wfm --include-filtered-dependencies

  1. For standalone usage: npm install
npm i @raincatcher/[email protected]

