
Module used for building a RESTful api on top of the WFM solution

RainCatcher Api module

Module used to expose express based api for WFM objects.

WFM specific implementations

Following api is being exposed:

  • /workorders
  • /workflows
  • /results

This api is being added to new express router and it can be applied to any existing express based application as follows:

// Create api
const api = new WfmRestApi();

// Mount api into path
app.use('/api', api.createWFMRouter());

Api requires mongodb connection that needs to be setup as separate step


See demo application integration or example application for more details.

Custom database integrations

Custom database integrations are possible thanks to PagingDataRepository interface.

Rest API

Module provides a way to dynamically create API for different business objects. Created api will use simplified implementations for typical create, read, delete and update operations. It's not recomended to use wfm-rest-api outside the WFM framework. Please use database driver or ORM framework or your choice.

Rest API structure

API produces and expects JSON objects. Structure of payload will vary depending on the interface passed as generic parameter to PagingDataRepository For example:

interface MyData{
const repository = new PagingDataRepository<MyData>();

Rest API definitions

Definitions apply to every object exposed by this API. Placeholder {object} can be replaced by workflow, workorder and result.

Retrieve list

GET {object}/


Supports pagination and sorting by providing additional query parameters:

  • page page number
  • size number of elements to return
  • sortField sorting field
  • order -1 for DESC and 1 for ASC

Example /workorders?page=0&size=5&sortField=id&order=-1

Note - sorting parameters are optional. When missing default sorting values are applied (10 results)


List can be filtered by providing json as filter query parameter or filter as request body.

filter - json object with specific field

For example filter = { 'reviewer': 'Paolo'}

Note - Due to nature of the url filter needs to be encoded to be passed as url

Retrieve specific object by id

GET {object}/:objectId

Retrieve specific object by id

Example /workorders/B1r71fOBr

Return 204

Save object

POST {object}/

Paylod should contain at least id field that will be used as object id.

Update object

PUT {object}/:objectId

Where :objectId is an id field of the object.

Delete object

DELETE {object}/:objectId

Where :objectId is an id field of the object.

Search for objects

Retrieves a list of objects that matches a user query.

GET {object}/search

A query can be made by providing a json filter query parameter

For example filter = {'title': 'Example'}

Error handling

In case of error express next callback is being called with ApiError instance. Users should build their own middleware for global error handling in their application.

Api will returns non 200 status in case of error.

400 - For user input error (missing required field etc.) 500 - For internal server errors

Api will return 204 status code if content is missing (for example invalid id was provided)

For every error ApiError object is being returned. For example:

  "code": "InvalidID",
  "message": "Provided id is invalid",
  "statusCode": 400

Clients can adapt it to their preffered way of presenting errors to user (html,json etc.)

Note: If you apply middleware security, additional 401 and 403 statuses may be returned

npm i @raincatcher/[email protected]

