
This SDK handles

🌈 Rainbow Swap Aggregator JS SDK License: GPL v3

This SDK handles

  • Token to ETH swaps

  • Token to Token swaps

  • ETH to Token swaps

  • Use of permit when supported (to avoid an extra approval)

  • Supported chains are: Mainnet, Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan, Optimism, Arbitrum and Polygon


yarn add @rainbow-me/swaps


Get a quote for a pair

const quote = await getQuote(
        source,             // optional, "1inch" or "0x"
        chainId,            // numeric chain id
        fromAddress,        // address of the wallet to execute the swap from
        sellTokenAddress,   // address of the input token
        buyTokenAddress,    // address of the output token
        sellAmount,         // amount of the input token (required if not passing buyAmount)
        buyAmount,          // amount of the output token (required if not passing sellAmount)
        slippage            // max slippage percentage allowed

Estimate gas for the swap

const { params, method, methodArgs } = getQuoteExecutionDetails(
        quote,                     //  quote returned from getQuote
        { from: quote.from },      //  transaction options
        provider                   //  ethers provider

const estimatedGas = await method(methodArgs);

Execute swap for a given quote

const tx = await fillQuote(
      quote,                //  quote returned from getQuote
      transactionOptions,   //  gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, nonce, value, from 
      permit,               //  true if you want to use the permit
      chainId,              //  numeric chain id
npm i @rainbow-me/[email protected]


  • GPL-3.0
  • >=10
  • Bruno Barbieri
  • released 3/14/2022
