
Protocol Buffer Definitions for Rainblock

Rainblock Protobuf Specification

This package includes protobufs for the RainBlock project.

To run tests, run

$ npm install

To install prototool and git hooks if you are running from a git repository.

$ npm test

Will run the linter with the correct configuration and check that the protobuf can be generated.

If there are linting errors, you can try running:

$ npm run format

Which will attempt to format the file so it passes the linter.

Typescript Usage

This repository automatically generates a npm package with typings you can import into your project.

After running

$ npm install @rainblock/protocol

on your project, you can import the protocol definitions, which are usable by libraries such as gRPC, like in the example below:

import { VerifierService, VerifierClient, TransactionRequest, TransactionReply, VerifierStorageService, grpc } from '@rainblock/protocol'

const client = new VerifierClient("localhost:9000", grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
const request = new TransactionRequest();
client.submitTransaction(request, (err, reply: TransactionReply) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
npm i @rainblock/[email protected]


