
This SDK is a thin wrapper around the [Babylon Gateway API](https://docs.radixdlt.com/docs/network-gateway). It enables clients to efficiently query current and historic state on the RadixDLT ledger, and intelligently handle transaction submission. It is

Gateway API SDK

This SDK is a thin wrapper around the Babylon Gateway API. It enables clients to efficiently query current and historic state on the RadixDLT ledger, and intelligently handle transaction submission. It is designed for use by wallets and explorers. For simple use cases, you can typically use the Core API on a Node. A Gateway is only needed for reading historic snapshots of ledger states or a more robust set-up.


The Gateway API SDK code is released under an Apache 2.0 license. The executable components are licensed under the Radix Software EULA.


There are four sub APIs available in the Gateway API:

  • Status - For status and configuration details for the Gateway / Network.
  • Transaction - For transaction construction, preview, submission, and monitoring the status of an individual transaction.
  • Stream - For reading committed transactions.
  • State - For reading the current or past ledger state of the network.

All APIs generated from OpenAPI specification are available after initialization through innerClient object on corresponding sub-api. See examples in Low Level APIs section. On top of that, this package provides high-level counterparts for each sub api.


All developers looking for an RCnet V3 compatible API should install versions which have -rc.3.X suffix. We'll be publishing internal versions with different suffixes which might not work well with publicly available network. All availble versions are published to NPM repository


Calling static intialize method from GatewayApiClient class will instantiate all low-level APIs together with their high-level equivalents and return them as a single object.

applicationName is required purely for statictis purposes and will be added as a request header. Additional fields you can set up are applicationVersion and applicationDappDefinitionAddress

import { GatewayApiClient, RadixNetwork } from '@radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk'

const gatewayApi = GatewayApiClient.initialize({
  networkId: RadixNetwork.Mainnet,
  applicationName: 'Your dApp Name',
  applicationVersion: '1.0.0',
  applicationDappDefinitionAddress: 'account_rdx12y4l35lh2543nfa9pyyzvsh64ssu0dv6fq20gg8suslwmjvkylejgj'
const { status, transaction, stream, state } = gatewayApi

Connecting to a secured gateway using authorization header

This example shows how to add an authorization header to a request, in order to make requests to a secured Gateway requiring basic auth, a JWT or a Bearer Token.

To work with this set-up you will need to:

  • Ensure your basePath is set up to connect to the correct host and port, on which Gateway API is exposed.
  • Set the Authorization header on your request, configured with your basic auth credentials for the Gateway API.
  • If the Gateway server doesn't provide a valid HTTPs certificate, you will need to work around that. In the agent / dispatcher configuration, include the self-signed certificate by using the ca parameter, or if you understand the implications and have precautions against MITM, use rejectUnauthorized: false with the https agent.

With node-fetch

import https from "node:https";
import fetch from "node-fetch"
import { GatewayApiClient, RadixNetwork } from '@radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk'

const basicAuthUsername = "????";
const basicAuthPassword = "????"; // From your gateway set-up - provide this securely to your application

const gatewayApiClient = GatewayApiClient.initialize({
  networkId: RadixNetwork.Mainnet,
  applicationName: 'Your dApp Name',
  applicationVersion: '1.0.0',
  fetchApi: fetch,
  applicationDappDefinitionAddress: 'account_rdx12y4l35lh2543nfa9pyyzvsh64ssu0dv6fq20gg8suslwmjvkylejgj',
  agent: new https.Agent({
    keepAlive: true,
      // If the Gateway presents an invalid certificate, you can work around it here.
      // e.g. by using the `ca` parameter to provide a custom certificate,
      // or using `rejectUnauthorized: false` to ignore the certificate check 
      // - as long you have taken precautions to prevent a man in the middle attack.
      // rejectUnauthorized: false,
  headers: {
      "Authorization": `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${basicAuthUsername}:${basicAuthPassword}`).toString("base64")}`

With native Node.JS fetch

If wanting to customise the certificate settings on the request, you will need install undici (as per this comment):

import { Agent } from 'undici';
import { GatewayApiClient, RadixNetwork } from '@radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk'

const basicAuthUsername = "????";
const basicAuthPassword = "????"; // From your gateway set-up - provide this securely to your application

const gatewayApiClient = GatewayApiClient.initialize({
  networkId: RadixNetwork.Mainnet,
  applicationName: 'Your dApp Name',
  applicationVersion: '1.0.0',
  applicationDappDefinitionAddress: 'account_rdx12y4l35lh2543nfa9pyyzvsh64ssu0dv6fq20gg8suslwmjvkylejgj',
  dispatcher: new Agent({
      connect: {
          // If the Gateway presents an invalid certificate, you can work around it here.
          // e.g. by using the `ca` parameter to provide a custom certificate,
          // or using `rejectUnauthorized: false` to ignore the certificate check 
          // - as long you have taken precautions to prevent a man in the middle attack.
          // rejectUnauthorized: false,
  headers: {
      "Authorization": `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${basicAuthUsername}:${basicAuthPassword}`).toString("base64")}`

High Level APIs

High Level APIs will grow over time as we start encountering repeating patterns when dealing with low level APIs. They are supposed to help with most commonly performed tasks and standardize ways of working with Gateway API and Typescript.


  • getEntityDetailsVaultAggregated(entities: string | string[]) - detailed information about entities. ReDocly Docs
  • getAllEntityMetadata(entity: string) - get all metadata about given entity. ReDocly Docs
  • getEntityMetadata(entity: string, cursor?: string) - get paged metadata about given entity. ReDocly Docs
  • getValidators(cursor?: string) - get paged validators. ReDocly Docs
  • getAllValidators() - get all validators. ReDocly Docs
  • getNonFungibleLocation(resource: string, ids: string[]) - get list of NFT location for given resource and ids. ReDocly Docs
  • getNonFungibleIds(address:string, ledgerState, cursor?: string) - get paged non fungible ids for given address. ReDocly Docs
  • getAllNonFungibleIds(address: string) - get all non fungible ids for given address. ReDocly Docs
  • getNonFungibleData(address: string, ids: string | string[]) - get non fungible data. ReDocly Docs


  • getCurrent() - Gateway API version and current ledger state. ReDocly Docs
  • getNetworkConfiguration() - network identifier, network name and well-known network addresses. ReDocly Docs


  • getStatus(txID: string) - transaction status for given transaction id (the intent hash). ReDocly Docs
  • getCommittedDetails(txID: string, options) - transaction details for given transaction id (the intent hash). ReDocly Docs


  • getTransactionsList(affectedEntities?: string[], cursor?: string) - get transaction list for given list of entities. ReDocly Docs


  • getValidatorsUptimeFromTo(addresses: string[], from, to) - get uptime statistics for validators for given period. ReDocly Docs
  • getValidatorsUptime(addresses: string[]) - get uptime statistics for validators. ReDocly Docs

Low Level APIs

Low level APIs are generated automatically based on OpenAPI spec. You can get a good sense of available methods by looking at Swagger. In order to access automatically generated methods you have two options:

Using generated APIs through innerClient

When using automatically generated APIs please check method parameter. They're always wrapped object with property matching method name (like in the example below)

async function getTransactionStatus(transactionIntentHash: string) {
  let response = await gatewayApi.transaction.innerClient.transactionStatus({
    transactionStatusRequest: {
      intent_hash: transactionIntentHash,
  return response.status
  await getTransactionStatus(

Using generated APIs manually

You can always opt-out of using aggregated gateway client and instantiate sub-apis manually

import { Configuration, StateApi } from '@radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk'
const config = new Configuration({ basePath: 'https://mainnet.radixdlt.com' })
const stateApi = new StateApi(config)
const response = await stateApi.nonFungibleData({
  stateNonFungibleDataRequest: {
    resource_address: address,
    non_fungible_ids: [id],

Fetch polyfill

Behind the scenes, this library uses the fetch API. If in an environment where fetch is not available, a polyfill must be used (see eg node-fetch). Pass your own fetch implementation to initialize parameter.

Starting from NodeJS 16 fetch is available as experimental API. You can e.g. check Gateway API status by using following snippet.

const { GatewayApiClient, RadixNetwork } = require('@radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk')

const gateway = GatewayApiClient.initialize({
  networkId: RadixNetwork.Mainnet

Save this as index.js and use by calling node --experimental-fetch index.js. This will enable experimental fetch and let code work without additional configuration. In NodeJS 18.x environment fetch API is enabled by default. Users of previous node versions will need to provide their own fetch implementation through configuration object.

npm i @radixdlt/babylon-gateway-api-sdk

