
Pyth Network EVM Utils in JS
pyth oracle


Pyth provides real-time pricing data in a variety of asset classes, including cryptocurrency, equities, FX and commodities. This library allows you to use these real-time prices on EVM-based networks.



$ npm install --save @pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js


$ yarn add @pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js


Pyth stores prices off-chain to minimize gas fees, which allows us to offer a wider selection of products and faster update times. See On-Demand Updates for more information about this approach. In order to use Pyth prices on chain, they must be fetched from an off-chain Hermes instance. The EvmPriceServiceConnection class can be used to interact with these services, providing a way to fetch these prices directly in your code. The following example wraps an existing RPC provider and shows how to obtain Pyth prices and submit them to the network:

const connection = new EvmPriceServiceConnection("https://hermes.pyth.network"); // See Hermes endpoints section below for other endpoints

const priceIds = [
  // You can find the ids of prices at https://pyth.network/developers/price-feed-ids#pyth-evm-stable
  "0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43", // BTC/USD price id
  "0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace", // ETH/USD price id

// In order to use Pyth prices in your protocol you need to submit the price update data to Pyth contract in your target
// chain. `getPriceFeedsUpdateData` creates the update data which can be submitted to your contract. Then your contract should
// call the Pyth Contract with this data.
const priceUpdateData = await connection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData(priceIds);

// If the user is paying the price update fee, you need to fetch it from the Pyth contract.
// Please refer to https://docs.pyth.network/documentation/pythnet-price-feeds/on-demand#fees for more information.
// `pythContract` below is a web3.js contract; if you wish to use ethers, you need to change it accordingly.
// You can find the Pyth interface ABI in @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity npm package.
const updateFee = await pythContract.methods

// Calling someContract method
// `someContract` below is a web3.js contract; if you wish to use ethers, you need to change it accordingly.
// Note: In Hedera you need to pass updateFee * 10^10 as value to the send method as there is an
// inconsistency in the way the value is handled in Hedera RPC and the way it is handled on-chain.
await someContract.methods
  .doSomething(someArg, otherArg, priceUpdateData)
  .send({ value: updateFee });

SomeContract looks like so:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";

contract SomeContract {
  IPyth pyth;

  constructor(address pythContract) {
    pyth = IPyth(pythContract);

  function doSomething(
    uint someArg,
    string memory otherArg,
    bytes[] calldata priceUpdateData
  ) public payable {
    // Update the prices to be set to the latest values
    uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdateData);
    pyth.updatePriceFeeds{ value: fee }(priceUpdateData);

    // Doing other things that uses prices
    bytes32 priceId = 0xf9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b;
    // Get the price if it is not older than 10 seconds from the current time.
    PythStructs.Price price = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(priceId, 10);

We strongly recommend reading our guide which explains how to work with Pyth price feeds.

Off-chain prices

Many applications additionally need to display Pyth prices off-chain, for example, in their frontend application. The EvmPriceServiceConnection provides two different ways to fetch the current Pyth price. The code blocks below assume that the connection and priceIds objects have been initialized as shown above. The first method is a single-shot query:

// `getLatestPriceFeeds` returns a `PriceFeed` for each price id. It contains all information about a price and has
// utility functions to get the current and exponentially-weighted moving average price, and other functionality.
const priceFeeds = await connection.getLatestPriceFeeds(priceIds);
// Get the price if it is not older than 60 seconds from the current time.
console.log(priceFeeds[0].getPriceNoOlderThan(60)); // Price { conf: '1234', expo: -8, price: '12345678' }
// Get the exponentially-weighted moving average price if it is not older than 60 seconds from the current time.

The object also supports a streaming websocket connection that allows you to subscribe to every new price update for a given feed. This method is useful if you want to show continuously updating real-time prices in your frontend:

// Subscribe to the price feeds given by `priceId`. The callback will be invoked every time the requested feed
// gets a price update.
connection.subscribePriceFeedUpdates(priceIds, (priceFeed) => {
    `Received update for ${priceFeed.id}: ${priceFeed.getPriceNoOlderThan(60)}`

// When using the subscription, make sure to close the websocket upon termination to finish the process gracefully.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60000);


There are two examples in examples.


This example fetches PriceFeed updates using both a HTTP-request API and a streaming websocket API. You can run it with npm run example-client. A full command that prints BTC and ETH price feeds, in the testnet network, looks like so:

npm run example-client -- \
  --endpoint https://hermes.pyth.network \
  --price-ids \
    0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43 \


This example shows how to update prices on an EVM network. It does the following:

  1. Gets update data to update given price feeds.
  2. Calls the pyth contract with the update data.
  3. Submits it to the network and prints the txhash if successful.

You can run this example with npm run example-relay. A full command that updates BTC and ETH prices on the BNB Chain testnet network looks like so:

npm run example-relay -- \
  --network "https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545" \
  --pyth-contract "0x5744Cbf430D99456a0A8771208b674F27f8EF0Fb"\
  --mnemonic "my good mnemonic" \
  --endpoint https://hermes.pyth.network \
  --price-ids \
    "0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43" \

Hermes endpoints

Pyth offers a free public endpoint at https://hermes.pyth.network. However, it is recommended to obtain a private endpoint from one of the Hermes RPC providers for more reliability. You can find more information about Hermes RPC providers here.

npm i @pythnetwork/pyth-evm-js


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • Pyth Data Association
  • released 10/14/2024
