
Pyth price service client
pyth oracle

Price Service Client

Pyth Network provides real-time pricing data in a variety of asset classes, including cryptocurrency, equities, FX and commodities. These prices are available either via HTTP or WebSocket from Hermes. This library is a client for interacting with Hermes, allowing your application to consume Pyth real-time prices in on- and off-chain Javascript/Typescript applications.



$ npm install --save @pythnetwork/price-service-client


$ yarn add @pythnetwork/price-service-client


Typical usage of the connection is along the following lines:

const connection = new PriceServiceConnection("https://hermes.pyth.network", {
  priceFeedRequestConfig: {
    // Provide this option to retrieve signed price updates for on-chain contracts.
    // Ignore this option for off-chain use.
    binary: true,
}); // See Hermes endpoints section below for other endpoints

const priceIds = [
  // You can find the ids of prices at https://pyth.network/developers/price-feed-ids
  "0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43", // BTC/USD price id
  "0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace", // ETH/USD price id

// Get the latest values of the price feeds as json objects.
// If you set `binary: true` above, then this method also returns signed price updates for the on-chain Pyth contract.
const currentPrices = await connection.getLatestPriceFeeds(priceIds);

// You can also call this function to get price updates for the on-chain contract directly.
const priceUpdateData = await connection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData(priceIds);

PriceServiceConnection also allows subscribing to real-time price updates over a websocket connection:

connection.subscribePriceFeedUpdates(priceIds, (priceFeed) => {
  // priceFeed here is the same as returned by getLatestPriceFeeds above.
  // It will include signed price updates if the binary option was provided to the connection constructor.
    `Received update for ${priceFeed.id}: ${priceFeed.getPriceNoOlderThan(60)}`

// When using the subscription, make sure to close the websocket upon termination to finish the process gracefully.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60000);

On-chain Applications

On-chain applications will need to submit the price updates returned by Hermes to the Pyth contract on their blockchain. These applications should pass the binary: true option to the constructor as shown above, to ensure that all methods on PriceServiceConnection return the required information. This option will add a vaa field to PriceFeed that represents a signed price update. The vaa is a binary blob serialized as a base64 string. Depending on the blockchain, you may need to reformat this into hex or another format before submitting it to the Pyth contract.


The PriceServiceClient example demonstrates both the HTTP and websocket APIs described above. You can run it with npm run example. A full command that prints BTC and ETH price feeds, in the testnet network, looks like so:

npm run example -- \
  --endpoint https://hermes.pyth.network \
  --price-ids \
    0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43 \

Hermes endpoints

Pyth offers a free public endpoint at https://hermes.pyth.network. However, it is recommended to obtain a private endpoint from one of the Hermes RPC providers for more reliability. You can find more information about Hermes RPC providers here.

npm i @pythnetwork/price-service-client


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • Pyth Data Association
  • released 2/23/2024
