
Add private custom generators to any project
generate scaffold templates


An easy way to add custom generators to your project.

Yeoman is great, but normally you need to have your generators packaged and installed as npm packages. This is usually not optimal for private projects or for generators that are project specific and not really reusable. This project uses Yeoman's generator functionally to enable the ability to create project specific generators which are store along with the Project.


npm i @purtuga/project-generate


Installation will make available a script named project-generate under the node_modules/.bin/ directory. Add the following generate script to your package.json under the scripts section so that you can run the generators using the npm run command:

    "scripts": {
        "generate": "project-generate"

Now, just run npm run generate.


This utility looks for generators stored in directory named generators. This utility will look at the following locations in search of this directory:

  • The current directory
  • The root of the current project (determined by the closest package.json file)
  • User's home directory
  • This library's directory (picks up out-of-box generators)

Each generator is stored in a directory - the directory name is used as the generator name.

This tool provides some default generators which are opinionated to how I currently create projects. They are:

  • project: Create a new project that is based on my own project-base library
  • generator: Create a new generator (in your project's generators directory)

generator Usage

This generator will scaffold out the structure for a new generator. It will prompt for the name and will output all files to the current project (determined by closest package.json file) under a directory named generators. If not running under a project, the files will be output to the current folder (cwd).



npm i @purtuga/project-generate


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Paul Tavares
  • released 11/23/2019
