
The [PoolTogether](https://www.pooltogether.com/) Prize Savings Protocol Ethereum governor smart contracts.

PoolTogether Protocol Governor Contracts

The PoolTogether Prize Savings Protocol Ethereum governor smart contracts.

See the API documentation


If you need an ABI or to depend on the contracts, you can use NPM:

$ yarn add @pooltogether/governor-contracts


First clone this repository and enter the directory.

Install dependencies:

$ yarn

Copy over .envrc and allow direnv:

$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
$ direnv allow

Deploy Locally

First start the local node:

$ yarn start

Now deploy the contracts:

$ yarn migrate-local

Interact with the contracts on the command line using oz-console:

$ yarn console-local
local> contracts.SingleRandomWinnerPrizePoolBuilder.address

To give test eth to an account, use the console:

$ yarn console-local
local> signer.sendTransaction({ to: 'YOUR_ADDRESS', value: ethers.utils.parseEther('100') })
npm i @pooltogether/governor-contracts


  • GPL-3.0
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/25/2020
