
A material design toolbar that is easily customizable
web-components polymer toolbar layout

Published on NPM Build status Published on webcomponents.org


This element has been deprecated in favor of app-layout.

paper-toolbar is a horizontal bar containing items that can be used for label, navigation, search and actions. The items placed inside the paper-toolbar are projected into a class="horizontal center layout" container inside of paper-toolbar's Shadow DOM. You can use flex attributes to control the items' sizing.


  <paper-icon-button slot="top" icon="menu" on-tap="menuAction"></paper-icon-button>
  <div slot="top" class="title">Title</div>
  <paper-icon-button slot="top" icon="more-vert" on-tap="moreAction"></paper-icon-button>

paper-toolbar has a standard height, but can made be taller by setting tall class on the paper-toolbar. This will make the toolbar 3x the normal height.

<paper-toolbar class="tall">
  <paper-icon-button slot="top" icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>

Apply medium-tall class to make the toolbar medium tall. This will make the toolbar 2x the normal height.

<paper-toolbar class="medium-tall">
  <paper-icon-button slot="top" icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>

When tall, items can pin to either the top (default), middle or bottom. Use middle slot for middle content and bottom slot for bottom content.

<paper-toolbar class="tall">
  <paper-icon-button slot="top" icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>
  <div slot="middle" class="title">Middle Title</div>
  <div slot="bottom" class="title">Bottom Title</div>

For medium-tall toolbar, the middle and bottom contents overlap and are pinned to the bottom. But middleJustify and bottomJustify attributes are still honored separately.

To make an element completely fit at the bottom of the toolbar, use fit along with bottom.

<paper-toolbar class="tall">
  <div id="progressBar" slot="bottom" class="fit"></div>

When inside a paper-header-panel element with mode="waterfall-tall", the class .animate is toggled to animate the height change in the toolbar.


The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--paper-toolbar-title Mixin applied to the title of the toolbar {}
--paper-toolbar-background Toolbar background color --primary-color
--paper-toolbar-color Toolbar foreground color --dark-theme-text-color
--paper-toolbar-height Custom height for toolbar 64px
--paper-toolbar-sm-height Custom height for small screen toolbar 56px
--paper-toolbar Mixin applied to the toolbar {}
--paper-toolbar-content Mixin applied to the content section of the toolbar {}
--paper-toolbar-medium Mixin applied to medium height toolbar {}
--paper-toolbar-tall Mixin applied to tall height toolbar {}
--paper-toolbar-transition Transition applied to the .animate class height 0.18s ease-in


<paper-toolbar> has role="toolbar" by default. Any elements with the class title will be used as the label of the toolbar via aria-labelledby.

See: Documentation, Demo.



npm install --save @polymer/paper-toolbar

In an html file

    <script type="module">
      import '@polymer/paper-toolbar/paper-toolbar.js';
      <div slot="top" class="title">Title</div>

In a Polymer 3 element

import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer';
import '@polymer/paper-toolbar/paper-toolbar.js';

class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
    return html`
        <div slot="top" class="title">Title</div>
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);


If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally:


git clone https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-toolbar
cd paper-toolbar
npm install
npm install -g polymer-cli

Running the demo locally

polymer serve --npm

Running the tests

polymer test --npm
npm i @polymer/paper-toolbar

