
Set of utility functions for Polkassembly and more.
Polkassembly Polkadot newton-raphson


A set of utility functions used in Polkassembly.


Installation -

yarn add @polkssembly/util

Functions can be imported directly from the package, e.g.

import { getPassingThreshold } from '@polkassembly/util';

Utility functions

  • getPassingThreshold: Get the amount of Aye needed for a referendum to pass.
  • newtonRaphson: This is a fork of scijs/newton-raphson-method that uses bn.js instances instead of plain javascript numbers. It has been simplified and requires to pass the function and its derivative as argument.
  • solveQuadraticEquation: Get the roots of a polynomial function of degree 2 (a*x^2 + b*x + c) where the coeffiscients a, b and c are BN from bn.js.
npm i @polkassembly/util


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • Parity Technologies
  • released 5/20/2020

