
An Experimental GrpahQL framework

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An Experimental GrpahQL framework

Note: under heavy development. Do not use in production.

Features to build

The following features will be implemented:

  • GraphQL First: Built for making GraphQL server without hassle
  • High Performance: Efficient data loading by default
  • Opinionated: No worry about directory structure, library, testing
  • Realtime: Built-in subscriptions, live queries
  • Ergonomic: Less code, great DX
  • Free DB choice: Can support major databases (PG, MySQL, and so on)
  • Type Safe: 100% Written in TypeScript (or Deno)

Getting Started


yarn add @pocket-ace/core graphql sqlite3

Define your app:

// app.js

const PocketAce = require('@pocket-ace/core')

PocketAce.registerResolver('hello', () => 'world')

  client: 'sqlite',
  connection: {
    filename: ':memory:',

  type Query {
    hello: String!
    users: [User!]! @all(table: "users")

  type Mutation {
    createUser(name: String!): User @create(table: "users")

  type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String!


const sql = `
  create table users (
    id integer not null primary key autoincrement,
    name string not null default ''

PocketAce.sql(sql).then(() => {

I know the above code is ugly. We'll improve it soon.

Then run node app.js.

You can now run GraphQL queries to http://localhost:3000

curl -XPOST localhost:3000/graphql -d query='{ hello }'

Directory structure for the Framework

|-- cmd              # CLI command
|  |-- SomeTask.ts
|  `-- index.ts
|-- config           # App configuration
|-- jobs             # Async jobs
|-- middlewares      # HTTP Middlewares
|-- policies         # Policies
|-- resolvers        # Custom resolvers
|-- schema           # GraphQL Schema (every file in this dir loaded)
|  `-- index.gql
`-- tests            # Tests
   |-- feature
   | `-- LoginUserTest.ts #
   `-- unit #
     `-- LoginUserTest.ts #

Built with

Main dependencies:

  • Koa
  • GraphQL
  • Knex
  • TypeDI
  • Dataloader


  • TypeScript, ts-node
  • Ava
  • Supertest
  • SQLite
  • Lerna
  • Rollup

Heavily inspired by https://github.com/nuwave/lighthouse

npm i @pocket-ace/core


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/13/2020

