
Deploy code to the Platformatic cloud

Deploys code to the Platformatic cloud.


npm install @platformatic/deploy-client




  • deployServiceHost - The host of the Platformatic cloud deploy service. Use 'https://plt-production-deploy-service.fly.dev'.

  • workspaceId - The id of the workspace to deploy to.

  • workspaceKey - The key of the workspace to deploy to.

  • label - The label of the deployment. Use it if you want to deploy application to the dynamic workspace.

  • pathToProject - The path to the root of the project to deploy.

  • pathToConfig - The path to the Platformatic app config file.

  • pathToEnvFile - The path to the .env file.

  • pathToSecretsFile - The path to the .secrets.env file.

  • secrets - The secrets to pass to the Platformatic app. If there is a .secrets.env file

  • variables - The variables to pass to the Platformatic app. If there is a .env file

  • githubMetadata - The metadata about the github repository, branch, commit and PR (if it's a dynamic workspace).

  • logger - The logger to use. Use pino or other logger with the same interface.

npm i @platformatic/deploy-client

