
Testing library to test ad4m languages

AD4M Test

This is a testing library for testing languages for ad4m. This package internally uses ad4m-host v0.0.9 to start and interact with ad4m-executor. For more detailed example look go here


Install the package:


npm install ad4m-test


yarn add ad4m-test

Write tests

You can write tests like you would with any other testing framework. You can use the helper methods to interact with the ad4m-executor.


const { createExpression, getExpression } = require('ad4m-test/helpers')

describe("Expression", () => {
  it("Create Expression", async () => {
    const exp = await createExpression("{\"name\": \"hello world!\"}");


    const fetched = await getExpression(exp);


Then your can run the test like so:

ad4m-test --test ./expression.test.js --bundle languages/sdp.js --meta '{\"name\":\"shortform-expression\",\"description\":\"Shortform expression for flux application\",\"sourceCodeLink\":\"https://github.com/juntofoundation/ad4m-languages\",\"possibleTemplateParams\":[\"uid\",\"name\"]}'

ExpressionUI testing

Running the below command will start a local server which will host the ExpressionUI which can be used to test UI for the expression language.

ad4m-test --ui --bundle languages/sdp.js --meta '{\"name\":\"shortform-expression\",\"description\":\"Shortform expression for flux application\",\"sourceCodeLink\":\"https://github.com/juntofoundation/ad4m-languages\",\"possibleTemplateParams\":[\"uid\",\"name\"]}'


Cli params:

  • relativePath | rp - Relative path to the appdata for ad4m-host to store binaries
  • port | p - Use this port to run ad4m GraphQL service
  • test | t - Runs test on a single file
  • bundle | b - Language bundle for the language to be tested
  • meta | m - Meta information for the language to be installed
  • languageTye | lt - Is the language a link or expression language
  • defaultLangPath | dlp - Local bulid-in language to be used instead of the packaged ones
  • hideLogs | hl - Hide the ad4m-test logs
  • ui - Starts a local server with expressionUI loaded for testing.


  • addLink(link: LinkExpression) - Adds link and returns added link.
  • removeLink(link: LinkExpression) - Removes links.
  • udpateLink(oldLink: LinkExpression, newLink: LinkExpression) - Updates the old link and return a new one.
  • queryLinks(query: LinkQuery) - gets all the link for that perspective.
  • createExpression(content: any) - Creates an expression with the supplied content and returns expression url.
  • getExpression(url: string) - Fetches the expression from the url passed.
npm i @perspect3vism/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 10/20/2023
