
Command-line interface (CLI) for the @pattern-lab/core.
Pattern Lab Atomic Web Design Node JavaScript

Pattern Lab Node CLI

Command-line interface (CLI) for the patternlab-node core.

Continuous Integration CodeQL


Note: Global installs are currently not supported and will be fixed when the Pattern Lab core hits v3.0.0


npm install @pattern-lab/cli --save-dev

Via Yarn

yarn add @pattern-lab/cli --dev

Configuring Your Project to Use the CLI

If the CLI is installed globally, you may call commands directly, such as patternlab --version.

If the CLI is not installed globally, you need to tell npm where to find the executable when invoking commands.

Open package.json and add the following to your scripts object:

"scripts": {
+ "patternlab": "patternlab"

This tells npm to look in the local node_modules/.bin directory for the patternlab CLI.

Subcommands and options can then be forwarded to the CLI like this:

npm run patternlab -- serve

Installing edition-node will add the following CLI commands for convenience:

  "scripts": {
+    "pl:build": "patternlab build --config ./patternlab-config.json",
+    "pl:help": "patternlab --help",
+    "pl:install": "patternlab install --config ./patternlab-config.json",
+    "pl:serve": "patternlab serve --config ./patternlab-config.json",
+    "pl:version": "patternlab --version"

Then you can invoke any of these like this:

npm run pl:serve

API & Usage

General usage

Usage: patternlab <cmd> [options]
        build|compile [options]   Build Pattern Lab. Optionally (re-)build only the patterns
        export                    Export a Pattern Lab patterns into a compressed format
        init [options]            Initialize a Pattern Lab project from scratch or import an edition and/or starterkit
        install|add [options]     Installs Pattern Lab related modules like starterkits or plugins
        serve|browse [options]    Starts a server to inspect files in browser

        -h, --help           output usage information
        -V, --version        output the version number
        -c, --config <path>  Specify config file. Default looks up the project dir
        -v, --verbose        Show verbose logging
        --silent             Turn off console logs

Build/Compile Pattern Lab

Usage: build|compile [options]

Build Pattern Lab. Optionally (re-)build only the patterns

        -h, --help           output usage information
        -p, --patterns-only  Whether to only build patterns

Initialize Pattern Lab

Usage: init [options]

Initialize a Pattern Lab project from scratch or import an edition and/or starterkit
Passing no options starts the init in interactive mode

        -h, --help                output usage information
        -p, --project-dir <path>  Specify a project directory. Default: ./
        -e, --edition <name>      Specify an edition to install. Default: @pattern-lab/edition-node
        -k, --starterkit <name>   Specify a starterkit to install. Default: @pattern-lab/starterkit-handlebars-demo

Serve Pattern Lab

Usage: serve|browse [options]

Starts a server to inspect files in browser

        -h, --help   output usage information
        -w, --watch  Start watching for changes

Export Pattern Lab

Usage: export [options]

Export a Pattern Lab patterns into a compressed format

        -h, --help  output usage information

Install Pattern Lab starterkits or plugins

Usage: install|add [options]

Installs Pattern Lab related modules like starterkits or plugins

        -h, --help             output usage information
        --starterkits <names>  Specify one or more starterkits to install
        --plugins <names>      Specify one or more plugins to install


    $ patternlab init # Initialize a Pattern Lab project.
    $ patternlab build # Builds Pattern Lab from the current dir
    $ patternlab build --config <path/to/patternlab-config> # Builds Pattern Lab from different project directory


MIT © Patternlab contributors

npm i @pattern-lab/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • >=12.12.0
  • Raphael Okon
  • released 5/9/2020
