
Utility to inline images, CSS and JavaScript for a web page - useful for mobile sites
mobile inline production build minify


Fork of inliner with modifications aimed to use it a in script for the creation of static pages. The main modification is the use of puppeteer to get the root webpage, so it wait for the page to fully load before getting its contents. Bellow is the original readme.


Turns your web page to a single HTML file with everything inlined - perfect for appcache manifests on mobile devices that you want to reduce those http requests.

Build Status

What it does

  • Get a list of all the assets required to drive the page: CSS, JavaScript, images, videos and images used in CSS
  • Minify JavaScript (via uglify-js)
  • Strips white from CSS
  • Base64 encode images and videos
  • Puts everything back together as a single HTML file with a simplfied doctype


Install the inliner utility via npm:

$ npm install -g inliner


If you have either installed via npm or put the inliner bin directory in your path, then you can use inliner via the command line as per:

inliner http://remysharp.com

This will output the inlined markup with default options. You can see more options on how to disable compression or how not to base64 encode images using the help:

inliner --help

To use inline inside your own script:

var Inliner = require('inliner');

new Inliner('http://remysharp.com', function (error, html) {
  // compressed and inlined HTML page


var inliner = new Inliner('http://remysharp.com');

inliner.on('progress', function (event) {
}).on('end', function (html) {
  // compressed and inlined HTML page

Once you've inlined the crap out of the page, you can optionally configure a service worker to add advanced caching and offline functionality.


  • Collapses all white space in HTML (except inside <pre> elements)
  • Strips all HTML comments
  • Pulls JavaScript and CSS inline to HTML
  • Compresses JavaScript via uglify (if not compressed already)
  • Converts all images and videos to based64 data urls, inline images, video poster images and CSS images
  • Imports all @import rules from CSS (recusively)
  • Applies media query rules (for print, tv, etc media types)
  • Leaves conditional comments in place
  • If JavaScript can't be imported (or is Google Analytics), source is not put inline

Limitations / Caveats

  • Whitespace compression might get a little heavy handed - all whitespace is collapsed from n spaces to 1 space.

Filing issues & PRs

Please see the contributing for guidelines.

npm i @pathable/[email protected]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Remy Sharp
  • released 5/15/2020
