

Schema Registry API

A simple typescript node-fetch wrapper on the confluent schema-registry api.

This allows calling the api in a promise-based type-safe manner.


yarn add @ovotech/schema-registry-api
import { Schema } from 'avsc';
const schema: Schema = {
  type: 'record',
  name: 'TestSchema',
  fields: [{ name: 'accountId', type: 'string' }],

const subjects = await getSubjects(schemaRegistryUrl);
const newVersion = await addSubjectVersion(schemaRegistryUrl, 'clients', schema);
const foundSchema = await getSchema(schemaRegistryUrl, newVersion.id);

The api rest endpoint are directly translated into functions calling node-fetch:

Function Rest Docs
getSchema(baseUrl: string, id: number) GET /schemas/ids/:id
getSubjects(baseUrl: string) GET /subjects
getSubjectVersions(baseUrl: string, subject: string) GET /subjects/:subject/versions
deleteSubject(baseUrl: string, subject: string) DELETE /subjects/:subject
getSubjectVersionSchema(baseUrl: string, subject: string, version: number) GET /subjects/:subject/versions/:version/schema
addSubjectVersion(baseUrl: string, subject: string, schema: Schema) POST /subjects/:subject/versions
checkSubjectRegistered(baseUrl: string, subject: string, schema: Schema) POST /subjects/:subject
deleteSubjectVersion(baseUrl: string, subject: string, version: number) DELETE /subjects/:subject/versions/:version
`checkCompatibility( baseUrl: string, subject: string, version: number 'latest', schema: Schema)`

But there are also to slightly higher level functions:

idToSchema(baseUrl: string, id: number) - return a schema as a parsed Schema object from a schema id. schemaToId(baseUrl: string, subject: string, schema: Schema) - return the id of a schema object. This will check for an existence of a schema within the given subject, and create a schema version if one was not found.

Running the tests

The tests require a running schema registry service, and we're using docker compose to start it, alongside kafka and zookeeper, required by the service.

So in the project's parent directory run:

docker-compose up

Then you can run the tests with:

yarn test

Coding style (linting, etc) tests

Style is maintained with prettier and tslint

yarn lint


Deployment is preferment by lerna automatically on merge / push to master, but you'll need to bump the package version numbers yourself. Only updated packages with newer versions will be pushed to the npm registry.


Have a bug? File an issue with a simple example that reproduces this so we can take a look & confirm.

Want to make a change? Submit a PR, explain why it's useful, and make sure you've updated the docs (this file) and the tests (see test folder).


This project is licensed under Apache 2 - see the LICENSE file for details

npm i @ovotech/[email protected]




potsec, smart-heat-prod, smart-heat-uat, gabrielasman, orex-team, oleksii.prosianko, yuliya-makarchuk, alevytskyy, odunka, mate.laszlo, lcatallo, ovotech-identity, kieran.allen, kevrowe, oli-boyle, mbayoumy, hersheyovo, radek_tomasek, annedroiid, shaikhfaisal, ducanh.khu, gquartarone, andrewghc, viciouskitten, steve.fleetwood, joelthornhill, clarencedglee, sketchingdev, sboundy, ovomason, iuna4e, hayfield-ovo, ovocms, jonevans4, ovotech-sme-team, kenneth-gray, philip-ovo, dimitarg, orion-migration-team, felipesales, ovotech-sg, ovotech-sa, ovotech-qs, kelveden, marcelo.olandim, ovotech-paym, hentielouw, ovotech-payments, ovotech-live, philip.keen, ovotech-payg, jbeckett, freddybushboy, achantreau, asummers-ovo, antonyjfenton, tavi.csiki, pyoio, mwz, grug, sarahlikeshiny, jdarley, guidoooch, ovotech-boost, agaovo, filose, tomverran-ovo, ericaovo, props, yesdaveovo, cb372, adamfielding, ikerin, mwidurek, jclobro, tomshawovo, takac, greg.ath,