
A CLI for inspecting the confluent schema-registry, produce and consume avro kafka events

Kafka Avro CLI

A CLI for inspecting the confluent schema-registry, produce and consume avro kafka events.



You can install it locally for your project

yarn add @ovotech/kafka-avro-cli

yarn kac --help

Or globally:

yarn global add @ovotech/kafka-avro-cli

kac --help
kac <command>

  kac schema [subject]      Serach for a given topic
  kac topic [name]          Serach for a given topic
  kac create-topic <topic>  Create kafka topic
  kac produce [file]        Produce events in kafka topic from a file
  kac consume <topic>       Consume events from kafka topic. Display them in the
                            console or save them to a file

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --config, -c  Path to the configuration file      [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]

copyright OVO Energy 2018


Command configuration

This cli tool communicates with schema registry and kafka which require credentials and addresses. In order to configure them you need to create a kac.config.json file or to provide the path for it wit the --config option.

The file should look like this:

  "kafkaClient": {
    "kafkaHost": "kafka.example.com:13581",
    "sslOptions": {
      "ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
      "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
      "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
  "schemaRegistry": "https://example-user:[email protected]:13584"
  • kafkaClient - options are passed directly to the KafkaClient from node-kafka.
  • schemaRegistry - url to the schema registry, with credentials information.
kac --config my/config.json ...

schema command

kac.ts schema [subject]

Used to search for, filter and get details of a particular schema in the schema
registry. [subject] is a partial name of a subject. If no subject if provided,
all subjects are returned.

  --version         Show version number                                [boolean]
  --config, -c      Path to the configuration file  [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help            Show help                                          [boolean]
  --output-dir, -o  Save the results into a folder. One file per version

If more than one subject is found, it will result in a list of partial matches.

$ kac schema migration
Searching for "migration" in localhost:8081
Found 4 matching "migration"

If only one is matched, it will display the full schemas of all the versions for this subject

$ kac schema migration-scheduled-value
Searching for "migration-scheduled-value" in localhost:8081
Subject migration-scheduled-value found [ 1 ] versions
Version: 1 ----------------------------------------
{ type: 'record',
  name: 'TestSchema1',
  fields: [ { name: 'accountId', type: 'string' } ] }

topic command

kac topic [name]

Used to search for, filter and get details of a particular topic in the kafka
server. [name] is a partial name of a topic. If no name if provided, all topics
are returned.

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --config, -c  Path to the configuration file      [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help        Show help

If more than one topic is found, it will result in a list of partial matches.

$ kac topic migration
Searching for "migration" in localhost:29092
Found 3 matching "migration"

If only one is matched, it will display the partitions and offsets of a topic

$ kac topic migration-completed-2
Searching for "migration-completed-2" in localhost:29092
Partitions and their offsets for migration-completed-2
{ migration-completed-2:
   { '0': [ 143024920 ],
     '1': [ 142607286 ],
     '2': [ 142860803 ],
     '3': [ 143160301 ] } }

create-topic command

kac create-topic <topic>

Creates a topic in the kafka server with configurable partitions count and
replication factor.

  --version             Show version number                            [boolean]
  --config, -c          Path to the configuration file
                                                    [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help                Show help                                      [boolean]
  --partitions          Number of partitions for topic     [number] [default: 1]
  --replication-factor                                     [number] [default: 1]

For example:

$ kac create-topic test-topic --partitions 2
Topic created test-topic partitions 2 replication factor 1

produce command

kac produce [file]

Produce events in kafka topic from a file

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --config, -c  Path to the configuration file      [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]

The file needed to produce the topics should look something like this:

  "0": {
    "topic": "migration-completed-2",
    "schema": {
      "type": "record",
      "name": "TestSchema1",
      "fields": [{ "name": "accountId", "type": "string" }]
    "partition": 0,
    "key": "some key",
    "messages": [{ "accountId": "67096" }, { "accountId": "57096" }]
  "1": {
    "topic": "migration-scheduled",
    "schema": {
      "type": "record",
      "name": "TestSchema1",
      "fields": [{ "name": "customerId", "type": "string" }]
    "partition": 1,
    "key": "some other key",
    "messages": [{ "customerId": "12321" }, { "customerId": "32131" }]

This should allow you to produce events in different partitions.

consume command

kac consume <topic>

Consume events from kafka topic. Display them in the console or save them to a

  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]
  --config, -c       Path to the configuration file [default: "kac.config.json"]
  --help             Show help                                         [boolean]
  --group            Consumer Group Id         [default: a prefixed random name]
  --latest           Start listening from the latest offsets
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --tail             Keep listening after all messages consumed
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --output-file, -o  Save the results into a file, that can later be used to
                     produce those events

To display the contents of a topic simply write the full topic name.

The consumer group will terminate once all the messages have been consumed, but you can keep listening with the --tail option.

$ kac consume migration-completed-2
Consume messages in migration-completed-2
Offset 0/1 partition 0 key null
BalanceMigrationCompletedEvent {
  accountId: '6666666' }
Offset 1/1 partition 0 key null
BalanceMigrationCompletedEvent {
  accountId: '5555555' }
Offset 0/1 partition 1 key null
BalanceMigrationCompletedEvent {
  accountId: '4444444' }
Offset 1/1 partition 1 key null
BalanceMigrationCompletedEvent {
  accountId: '3333333' }
[============================================================] 100% Elapsed: 0.0s
Consumed 4 messages
 - Partition 0 : 2 messages.
 - Partition 1 : 2 messages.

You can also write the output to a file with the --output-file option. The contents of that file would be in the same format, as the one used to produce the events with the produce command.

$ kac consume migration-completed-2 --output-file test2.json
Writing to file test2.json from topic migration-completed-2
[============================================================] 100% Elapsed: 0.0s

Consumed 8 messages
 - Partition 0 : 4 messages.
 - Partition 1 : 4 messages.

Running the tests

The tests require a running kafka server and schema-registry service. This is setup easily with a docker-compose from root project folder:

docker-compose up

Then you can run the tests with:

yarn test

Coding style (linting, etc) tests

Style is maintained with prettier and tslint

yarn lint


Deployment is preferment by lerna automatically on merge / push to master, but you'll need to bump the package version numbers yourself. Only updated packages with newer versions will be pushed to the npm registry.


Have a bug? File an issue with a simple example that reproduces this so we can take a look & confirm.

Want to make a change? Submit a PR, explain why it's useful, and make sure you've updated the docs (this file) and the tests (see test folder).


This project is licensed under Apache 2 - see the LICENSE file for details

npm i @ovotech/kafka-avro-cli




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