
overlayed element loader
overlayed element


overlayed element loader. This is the logic that loads elements. It is used by the core overlayed runtime to do the following, in sequence:

  • parse package.json from url (ie: https://site.com/package.json)
  • find browser or main entry (in that order)
  • (optional) find contributes if it exists
  • attempt to import url+<entryFromAbove> (ie: https://site.com/index.js)
  • expect that the result is an esm module (ie: {default: value})
  • expect that default is an element allocator function
  • return the result of calling the allocator function, and contributes (if it exists)

The provided url may or may not contain package.json suffice. If it isn't there, it will be automatically appended.

Throws if there is no browser or main entry.

Throws if import does not succeed.

Note: expects that calling the allocator function will result in a React Component.


import React from 'react'
import {loader} from '@overlayed-app/element-loader`

loader("https://site.com", React, React.version).then((result) => {
  // result.element is the allocator fn result (a React component)
  // result.contributes is (possibly) the contributes object (or undefined)



npm i @overlayed-app/element-loader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • bengreenier
  • released 12/30/2019

