
Based on the concept of [webpack module federation](https://webpack.js.org/concepts/module-federation/), dynamic plugins are loaded and interpreted from remote sources at runtime. The standard way to deliver and expose dynamic plugins to Console is throug
openshift console plugin

OpenShift Console Dynamic Plugins

Based on the concept of webpack module federation, dynamic plugins are loaded and interpreted from remote sources at runtime. The standard way to deliver and expose dynamic plugins to Console is through OLM operators.

Dynamic plugins are decoupled from the Console application, which means both plugins and Console can be released, installed and upgraded independently from each other. To ensure compatibility with Console and other plugins, each plugin must declare its dependencies using semantic version ranges.

Example project structure:

├── src/
├── console-extensions.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── webpack.config.ts

Related Documentation

Extension Documentation - Detailed documentation of all available Console extension points.

API Documentation - Detailed documentation of React components, hooks and other APIs provided by Console to its dynamic plugins.

OpenShift Console Dynamic Plugins feature page - A high-level overview of dynamic plugins in relation to OLM operators and cluster administration.

Distributable SDK package overview

Package Name Description
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk Provides core APIs, types and utilities used by dynamic plugins at runtime.
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack Provides webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin used to build all dynamic plugin assets.
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-internal Internal package exposing additional code.
@openshift-console/plugin-shared Provides reusable components and utility functions to build OCP dynamic plugins. Compatible with multiple versions of OpenShift Console.

OpenShift Console Versions vs SDK Versions

Not all NPM packages are fully compatible with all versions of the Console. This table will help align compatible versions of distributable SDK packages to versions of the OpenShift Console.

Console Version SDK Package Last Package Version
4.17.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk Latest
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack Latest
4.16.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk 1.4.0
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack 1.1.1
4.15.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk 1.0.0
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack 1.0.2
4.14.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk 0.0.21
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack 0.0.11
4.13.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk 0.0.19
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack 0.0.9
4.12.x @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk 0.0.18
@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack 0.0.9

Note: this table includes Console versions which currently receive technical support, as per Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy.

OpenShift Console Versions vs PatternFly Versions

Each Console version supports specific version(s) of PatternFly in terms of CSS styling. This table will help align compatible versions of PatternFly to versions of the OpenShift Console.

Console Version PatternFly Versions Notes
4.16.x 5.x + 4.x New dynamic plugins should use PF 5.x
4.15.x 5.x + 4.x New dynamic plugins should use PF 5.x
4.14.x 4.x
4.13.x 4.x
4.12.x 4.x

Refer to PatternFly Upgrade Notes containing links to PatternFly documentation.

Shared modules

Console is configured to share specific modules with its dynamic plugins.

The following shared modules are provided by Console, without plugins providing their own fallback:

  • @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk
  • @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-internal
  • react
  • react-i18next
  • react-redux
  • react-router
  • react-router-dom
  • react-router-dom-v5-compat
  • redux
  • redux-thunk

For backwards compatibility, Console also provides the following PatternFly 4.x shared modules:

  • @patternfly/react-core
  • @patternfly/react-table
  • @patternfly/quickstarts

Any shared modules provided by Console without plugin provided fallback are listed as dependencies in the package.json manifest of @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk package.

Changes in shared modules

This section documents notable changes in the Console provided shared modules across Console versions.

Console 4.14.x

  • Added react-router-dom-v5-compat module to allow plugins to migrate to React Router v6. Check the Official v5 to v6 Migration Guide (section "Migration Strategy" and beyond) for details.

Console 4.15.x

  • The Console application now uses React Router v6 code internally. Plugins that only target OpenShift Console 4.15 or later should fully upgrade to React Router v6 via react-router-dom-v5-compat module.

Console 4.16.x

  • Removed react-helmet module.
  • All Console provided PatternFly 4.x shared modules are deprecated and will be removed in the future. See PatternFly Upgrade Notes for details on upgrading to PatternFly 5.
  • All Console provided React Router v5 shared modules are deprecated and will be removed in the future. Plugins should upgrade to React Router v6 via react-router-dom-v5-compat module.

PatternFly dynamic modules

Newer versions of @openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack package (1.0.0 and higher) include support for automatic detection and sharing of individual PatternFly 5.x dynamic modules.

Plugins using PatternFly 5.x dependencies should generally avoid non-index imports for any PatternFly packages, for example:

// Do _not_ do this:
import { MonitoringIcon } from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/monitoring-icon';
// Instead, do this:
import { MonitoringIcon } from '@patternfly/react-icons';

Plugin metadata

Older versions of webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin assumed that the plugin metadata is specified via consolePlugin object within the package.json file, for example:

  "name": "dynamic-demo-plugin",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  // scripts, dependencies, devDependencies, ...
  "consolePlugin": {
    "name": "console-demo-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "displayName": "Console Demo Plugin",
    "description": "Plasma reactors online. Initiating hyper drive.",
    "exposedModules": {
      "barUtils": "./utils/bar"
    "dependencies": {
      "@console/pluginAPI": "~4.11.0"

Newer versions of webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin allow passing the plugin metadata directly as an object, for example:

new ConsoleRemotePlugin({
  pluginMetadata: { /* same metadata like above */ },

name serves as the plugin's unique identifier. Its value should be the same as metadata.name of the corresponding ConsolePlugin resource on the cluster. Therefore, it must be a valid DNS subdomain name.

version must be semver compliant version string.

Dynamic plugins can expose modules representing plugin code that can be referenced, loaded and executed at runtime. A separate webpack chunk is generated for each entry in the exposedModules object. Exposed modules are resolved relative to the plugin's webpack context option.

The @console/pluginAPI dependency is optional and refers to Console versions this dynamic plugin is compatible with. The dependencies object may also refer to other dynamic plugins that are required for this plugin to work correctly. For dependencies where the version string may include a semver pre-release identifier, adapt your semver range constraint (dependency value) to include the relevant pre-release prefix, e.g. use ~4.11.0-0.ci when targeting pre-release versions like 4.11.0-0.ci-1234.

Extensions contributed by the plugin

Older versions of webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin assumed that the list of extensions contributed by the plugin is specified via the console-extensions.json file, for example:

// This file is parsed as JSONC (JSON with Comments)
    "type": "console.flag",
    "properties": {
      "handler": { "$codeRef": "barUtils.testHandler" }
    "type": "console.flag/model",
    "properties": {
      "flag": "EXAMPLE",
      "model": {
        "group": "kubevirt.io",
        "version": "v1alpha3",
        "kind": "ExampleModel"

Newer versions of webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin allow passing the extension list directly as an array of objects, for example:

new ConsoleRemotePlugin({
  extensions: [ /* same extensions like above */ ],

Each extension a single instance of extending the Console application's functionality. Extensions are declarative and expressed as plain static objects.

Extension type determines the kind of extension to perform, while any data and/or code necessary to interpret such extensions are declared through their properties.

Extensions may contain code references pointing to specific modules exposed by the plugin. For example:

  • { $codeRef: 'barUtils' } - refers to default export of barUtils module
  • { $codeRef: 'barUtils.testHandler' } - refers to testHandler export of barUtils module

When loading dynamic plugins, all encoded code references { $codeRef: string } are transformed into functions () => Promise<T> used to load the referenced objects on demand. Only the plugin's exposed modules (i.e. the keys of exposedModules object) may be used in code references.

Webpack config

Dynamic plugins must be built with webpack in order for their modules to seamlessly integrate with Console application at runtime. Use webpack version 5+ which includes native support for module federation.

All dynamic plugin assets are generated via webpack ConsoleRemotePlugin.

import { ConsoleRemotePlugin } from '@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack';
import { Configuration } from 'webpack';

const config: Configuration = {
  entry: {}, // Plugin container entry is generated by DynamicRemotePlugin
  plugins: [new ConsoleRemotePlugin()],
  // ... rest of webpack configuration

export default config;

Refer to ConsoleRemotePluginOptions type for details on supported Console plugin build options.

Generated assets

Building the above example plugin produces the following assets:

├── exposed-barUtils-chunk.js
├── plugin-entry.js
└── plugin-manifest.json

plugin-manifest.json is the dynamic plugin manifest. It contains both plugin metadata and extension declarations to be loaded and interpreted by Console at runtime. This is the first plugin asset loaded by Console.

plugin-entry.js is the webpack container entry chunk. It provides access to specific modules exposed by the plugin. It's loaded right after the plugin manifest.

exposed-barUtils-chunk.js is the generated webpack chunk for barUtils exposed module. It's loaded via the plugin entry chunk (plugin-entry.js) when needed.

Plugins may also include other assets, such as JSON localization files that follow the general pattern locales/<lang>/plugin__<plugin-name>.json or static images referenced from the plugin code.

Serving plugin assets

Dynamic plugins are deployed as workloads on the cluster. Each plugin deployment should include a web server that hosts the generated assets of the given plugin.

Console Bridge server adds X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff HTTP response header to all plugin asset requests for added security. Web browsers that comply with this security header will block <script> initiated requests when the MIME type of requested asset is not valid.

Important! Make sure to provide valid JavaScript MIME type via the Content-Type response header for all assets served by your plugin web server.

Local plugin development

Clone Console repo and build the Bridge server by running build-backend.sh script.

Run the following commands to log in as kubeadmin user and start a local Bridge server instance. The -plugins argument tells Bridge to force load your plugin upon Console application startup. The -i18n-namespaces argument registers the corresponding i18n namespace for your plugin in Console.

oc login https://example.openshift.com:6443 -u kubeadmin -p example-password
source ./contrib/oc-environment.sh
# Note: the plugin web server URL should include a trailing slash
./bin/bridge -plugins foo-plugin=http://localhost:9001/ -i18n-namespaces=plugin__foo-plugin

To work with multiple plugins, provide multiple arguments to Bridge server:

./bin/bridge \
  -plugins foo-plugin=http://localhost:9001/ -i18n-namespaces=plugin__foo-plugin \
  -plugins bar-plugin=http://localhost:9002/ -i18n-namespaces=plugin__bar-plugin

Once the Bridge server is running, start your plugin web server(s), and ensure that plugin assets can be fetched via /api/plugins/<plugin-name> Bridge endpoint. For example, the following URLs should provide the same content:

Open the Console in your web browser and inspect the value of window.SERVER_FLAGS.consolePlugins to see the list of dynamic plugins the Console loads at runtime. For local development, this should only include plugin(s) listed via -plugins Bridge argument.

Console development builds allow you to interact with the PluginStore object that manages all plugins and their extensions directly in your web browser with window.pluginStore. Please note that this is not a public API and is meant only for debugging local Console development builds.

Using local Console plugin SDK code

If you need to make modifications to Console dynamic plugin SDK code and reflect them in your plugin builds, follow these steps:

  1. Make changes in Console repo. Run yarn build in frontend/packages/console-dynamic-plugin-sdk directory to rebuild plugin SDK files at frontend/packages/console-dynamic-plugin-sdk/dist.
  2. Make sure your plugin's package.json dependencies refer to local plugin SDK files, for example:
"@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk": "file:../openshift/console/frontend/packages/console-dynamic-plugin-sdk/dist/core",
"@openshift-console/dynamic-plugin-sdk-webpack": "file:../openshift/console/frontend/packages/console-dynamic-plugin-sdk/dist/webpack",
  1. Refresh your plugin's node_modules whenever you change local plugin SDK files:
rm -rf node_modules/@openshift-console && yarn --check-files
  1. Build your plugin as usual. The build should now use the current local plugin SDK files.

Plugin detection and management

Console operator detects available plugins through ConsolePlugin resources on the cluster. It also maintains a cluster-wide list of currently enabled plugins via spec.plugins field in its config (Console resource instance named cluster).

When the spec.plugins value in Console operator config changes, Console operator computes the actual list of plugins to load in Console as an intersection between all available plugins vs. plugins marked as enabled. Updating Console operator config triggers a new rollout of the Console (Bridge) deployment. Bridge reads the computed list of plugins upon its startup and injects this list into Console web page via SERVER_FLAGS object.

Disabling plugins in the browser

Console users can disable specific or all dynamic plugins that would normally get loaded upon Console startup via disable-plugins query parameter. The value of this parameter is either a comma separated list of plugin names (disable specific plugins) or an empty string (disable all plugins).

Runtime constraints and specifics

  • Loading multiple plugins with the same name (but with a different version) is not allowed.
  • Console will override certain modules to ensure a single version of React etc. is loaded and used by the application.
  • Enabling a plugin makes all of its extensions available for consumption. Individual extensions cannot be enabled or disabled separately.

Publishing SDK packages

To see the latest published version of the given package:

yarn info <package-name> dist-tags --json | jq .data.latest

Before publishing, it's recommended to log into your npm user account:

npm login

Build all distributable SDK packages into dist directory:

yarn build

Finally, publish relevant packages to npm registry:

yarn publish dist/<pkg> --no-git-tag-version --new-version <version>

If the given package doesn't exist in npm registry, add --access public to yarn publish command.

If the newly published version comes before the latest published version in terms of semver rules (e.g. hotfix release 1.0.2 for an older minor version stream 1.0.x), ensure the latest dist-tag still applies to the appropriate package version:

npm dist-tag add <package-name>@<version> latest

Future Deprecations in Shared Plugin Dependencies

Console provides certain packages as shared modules to all of its dynamic plugins. Some of these shared modules may be removed in the future. Plugin authors will need to manually add these items to their webpack configs or choose other options.

The list of shared modules planned for deprecation:

  • Console provided PatternFly 4.x shared modules

    • @patternfly/react-core
    • @patternfly/react-table
    • @patternfly/quickstarts
  • Console provided React Router v5 shared modules

    • react-router
    • react-router-dom

i18n traslations for messages

The following demonstrates how to translate messages in the console plugin using the i18next and react-i18next libraries. Also included are the instructions for uploading/downloading strings to/from the Phrase Translation Memory System (TMS).

Step 1: Mark strings with t function for traslation

You can use the useTranslation hook within the component, or the i18next function outside the component, along with the namespace. The i18n namespace must match the name of the ConsolePlugin resource with the plugin__ prefix to avoid naming conflicts. For example, a console plugin named console-crontab-plugin use the plugin__console-crontab-plugin namespace. See the following for examples:

import i18next from 'i18next';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';

const helloWorldMessages = {
  Foo: {
    title: i18next.t('plugin__console-crontab-plugin~Foo'),
    message: i18next.t(
      'plugin__console-crontab-plugin~This is foo description...',
    Bar: {
    title: i18next.t('plugin__console-crontab-plugin~Bar'),
    message: i18next.t(
      'plugin__console-crontab-plugin~This is bar description...',

const Header: React.FC = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation('plugin__console-crontab-plugin');
  return <h1>{t('Hello, World!')}</h1>;

For labels in console-extensions.json, you can use the format %plugin__console-crontab-plugin~My Label%. Console will replace the value with the string for the current language from the plugin__console-crontab-plugin namespace. For example:

    "type": "console.navigation/section",
    "properties": {
      "id": "admin-demo-section",
      "perspective": "admin",
      "name": "%plugin__console-crontab-plugin~Hello World%"

Then, run yarn i18n to update the JSON files in the locales folder of the plugin console after adding or updating strings.

Step 2: Request a Phrase Translation Memory System (TMS) user account

i. Request an account from the localization team for the console plugin project. ii. Create a Project Template to include the supported language in the Phrase TMS portal. Refer to the Phrase Project Templates on how to create/update the Project Template. You must have Phrase project owner permissions to perform this task. The localization team can help with creating the Project Template and setup.

Step 3: Create utility scripts to automate i18n-related tasks

Create scripts for uploading and downloading the i18n JSON files to/from the Phrase portal. See the console repository or Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) console plugin repository for similar scripts.

Step 4: Upload to Phrase portal

i. Install the unofficial Memsource CLI client. This client is a command-line tool designed for interacting with the Phrase portal. See the following link for details: The unofficial Memsource CLI client

ii. Configure the Memsource client using the account credentials. Create a file named ~/.memsourcerc in any location, for example, /Users/.../, and paste the following content into the file:

export MEMSOURCE_URL="https://cloud.memsource.com/web"
export MEMSOURCE_USERNAME=username
export MEMSOURCE_PASSWORD=password
export MEMSOURCE_TOKEN=$(memsource auth login --user-name $MEMSOURCE_USERNAME --password "${MEMSOURCE_PASSWORD}" -c token -f value)

See the following link for details:The RHEL instructions for MacOS

iii. Change directory to the root of the console plugin, and then run the upload script created earlier in step 3, for example: yarn memsource-upload -v PLUGIN_VERSION_NUMBER. Take note of the generated PROJECT_ID.

iv. Notify the localization team of the upload and wait for a reply from them on when the translated strings are ready for download.

Step 5: Download from Phrase portal

i. Use the PROJECT_ID generated during the upload task, or visit the Phrase TMS portal. Find the URL of the previously uploaded project, then copy the PROJECT_ID from the URL path following ../show/<PROJECT_ID>

ii. Use the download script created earlier in step 3 with PROJECT_ID to download the translated strings. Change the directory to the root of the console plugin, and then run the download script. For example: yarn memsource-download -v PLUGIN_VERSION_NUMBER. This should download the updated locale files, which contain the translated strings in the languages that were configured earlier in the Project Template and upload utility script.

iii. Commit, review and merge the changes accordingly.

iv. Reach out to the localization team if you have any questions or concerns regarding the translated strings.

For more information on OpenShift Internationalization, see the console Internationalization README page.

npm i @openshift-console/[email protected]

