
OpenCensus Exporter Prometheus allows user to send collected stats to Prometheus
opencensus nodejs metrics stats profiling

OpenCensus Prometheus Stats Exporter

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The OpenCensus Prometheus Stats Exporter allows the user to send collected stats with OpenCensus Core to Prometheus.

Prometheus is a monitoring system that collects metrics, by scraping exposed endpoints at regular intervals, evaluating rule expressions. It can also trigger alerts if certain conditions are met. For assistance setting up Prometheus, Click here for a guided codelab.

This package is still at an early stage of development, and is subject to change.


Install OpenCensus Prometheus Exporter with:

npm install @opencensus/core
npm install @opencensus/exporter-prometheus


Create & register the exporter on your application.

For Javascript:

const { globalStats } = require('@opencensus/core');
const { PrometheusStatsExporter } = require('@opencensus/exporter-prometheus');

// Add your port and startServer to the Prometheus options
const exporter = new PrometheusStatsExporter({
  port: 9464,
  startServer: true

Now, register the exporter.

// Pass the created exporter to Stats

Similarly for TypeScript (Since the source is written in TypeScript):

import { PrometheusStatsExporter } from '@opencensus/exporter-prometheus';
import { globalStats } from '@opencensus/core';

// Add your port and startServer to the Prometheus options
const options = {port: 9464, startServer: true};
const exporter = new PrometheusStatsExporter(options);

// Pass the created exporter to Stats

Viewing your metrics:

With the above you should now be able to navigate to the Prometheus UI at: http://localhost:9464/metrics

Useful links


Apache License 2.0

npm i @opencensus/exporter-prometheus

