
Flow SDK Response


This module provides an ADT (Abstract Data Type) that represents the underlying data returned from the send function.


npm install --save @onflow/response

{"tag": 0, "transaction":null, "transactionId":null, "encodedData":null, "events": null, "account": null}'

Internal Properties

The response is a monomorphic data structure. It has fields for each of the possible data that can be returned from the AccessAPI. The response tag corresponds to the tag of the interaction that generated the response.

  • tag (all) int -- a marker that represents the type of the response. See @onflow/interaction for information on the possible tag values.
  • transaction GetTransactionStatus -- The response from a GetTransactionStatus requrest.
    • status int -- The status of the transaction
    • statusCode int -- The status code of the transaction
    • errorMessage string -- The error message of the transaction
    • events Array<Event> -- The events for this result
      • type string -- The type of this event
      • transactionId int -- The transactionId of this event
      • transactionIndex int -- The transactionIndex of this event
      • eventIndex int -- The index of this event
      • payload Uint8Array -- The encoded JSON-CDC payload of this event.
  • transactionId Transaction string -- The id of the transaction executed during a Transaction request.
  • encodedData ExecuteScript Uint8Array -- The encoded JSON-CDC data returned from a ExecuteScript request.
  • events GetEvents -- The events returned from a GetEvents request.
    • results Array<Result> -- The results returned from a GetEvents request.
      • blockId int -- The block id of this result
      • blockHeight int -- The block height of this result
      • events Array<Event> -- The events for this result
        • type string -- The type of this event
        • transactionId int -- The transactionId of this event
        • transactionIndex int -- The transactionIndex of this event
        • eventIndex int -- The index of this event
        • payload Uint8Array -- The encoded JSON-CDC payload of this event.
  • account GetAccount -- The account returned from a GetAccount request.
    • address string -- The address of the account
    • code string -- The code of the account
    • keys Array<Key> -- The keys of the account
      • index int -- The index of the key
      • publicKey string -- The publicKey for this key
      • signAlgo int -- The signing algorithm for this key
      • hashAlgo int -- The hash algorithm for this key
      • weight int -- The weight for this key
      • sequenceNumber int -- The sequence number for this key

Exposed Functions

import { response } from "@onflow/response"

const res = response()
npm i @onflow/response

