
warns if there is a newer version of CLI released


warns if there is a newer version of CLI released

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What is this?

This plugin shows a warning message if a user is running an out of date CLI.


How it works

This checks the version against the npm registry asynchronously in a forked process once every 60 days by default (see Configuration for how to configure this). It then saves a version file to the cache directory that will enable the warning. The upside of this method is that it won't block a user while they're using your CLI—the downside is that it will only display after running a command that fetches the new version.


Add the plugin to your project with yarn add @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available, then add it to the package.json of the oclif CLI:

  "name": "mycli",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  // ...
  "oclif": {
    "plugins": ["@oclif/plugin-help", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available"]


In package.json, set oclif['warn-if-update-available'] to an object with any of the following configuration properties:

  • timeoutInDays - Duration between update checks. Defaults to 60.
  • message - Customize update message.
  • registry - URL of registry. Defaults to following your .npmrc configuration
  • authorization - Authorization header value for registries that require auth. Defaults to following your .npmrc configuration
  • frequency - The frequency that the new version warning should be shown.
  • frequencyUnit - The unit of time that should be used to calculate the frequency (days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds). Defaults to minutes.

Example configuration

  "oclif": {
    "plugins": ["@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available"],
    "warn-if-update-available": {
      "timeoutInDays": 7,
      "message": "<%= config.name %> update available from <%= chalk.greenBright(config.version) %> to <%= chalk.greenBright(latest) %>.",
      "registry": "https://my.example.com/module/registry",
      "authorization": "Basic <SOME READ ONLY AUTH TOKEN>"

Notification Frequency

Once a new version has been found, the default behavior is to notify the user on every command execution. You can modify this by setting the frequency and frequencyUnit options.


Once every 10 minutes.

  "oclif": {
    "warn-if-update-available": {
      "frequency": 10

Once every 6 hours.

  "oclif": {
    "warn-if-update-available": {
      "frequency": 6,
      "frequencyUnit": "hours"

Once a day.

  "oclif": {
    "warn-if-update-available": {
      "frequency": 1,
      "frequencyUnit": "days"

Once every 30 seconds.

  "oclif": {
    "warn-if-update-available": {
      "frequency": 30,
      "frequencyUnit": "seconds"

Environment Variables

  • <CLI>_SKIP_NEW_VERSION_CHECK: Skip this version check
  • <CLI>_FORCE_VERSION_CACHE_UPDATE: Force the version cache to update
  • <CLI>_NEW_VERSION_CHECK_FREQ: environment variable override for frequency setting
  • <CLI>_NEW_VERSION_CHECK_FREQ_UNIT: environment variable override for frequencyUnit setting


See contributing guide

npm i @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available


  • MIT
  • >=18.0.0
  • Salesforce
  • released 9/29/2024
