
A bundle of all the Pivotal UI CSS components
bootstrap pivotal ui pivotal ui modularized css


A bundle of all the Pivotal UI CSS components

(Note: if you want to use code highlighting, you will also need to include PrismJS and a PrismJS theme. See the instructions in the [https://www.npmjs.com/package/pui-css-code](PUI code module).)

npm install prismjs-default-theme
# or
npm install prismjs-okaidia-theme


To install the package, from the command line, type:

npm install pui-css-all

This is a component of Pivotal UI. It is a Pivotal specific implementation of Bootstrap.

Styleguide Github

(c) Copyright 2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

npm i @npmcorp/pui-css-all


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • npm, Inc
  • released 7/20/2016
