
useful add-ons for react-three-fiber
react three threejs react-three-fiber


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A growing collection of useful helpers and fully functional, ready-made abstractions for @react-three/fiber. If you make a component that is generic enough to be useful to others, think about CONTRIBUTING!

npm install @react-three/drei

:point_right: this package is using the stand-alone three-stdlib instead of three/examples/jsm. :point_left:

Basic usage:

import { PerspectiveCamera, PositionalAudio, ... } from '@react-three/drei'


import { PerspectiveCamera, PositionalAudio, ... } from '@react-three/drei/native'

The native route of the library does not export Html or Loader. The default export of the library is web which does export Html and Loader.




type Props = Omit<JSX.IntrinsicElements['perspectiveCamera'], 'children'> & {
  /** Registers the camera as the system default, fiber will start rendering with it */
  makeDefault?: boolean
  /** Making it manual will stop responsiveness and you have to calculate aspect ratio yourself. */
  manual?: boolean
  /** The contents will either follow the camera, or be hidden when filming if you pass a function */
  children?: React.ReactNode | ((texture: THREE.Texture) => React.ReactNode)
  /** Number of frames to render, 0 */
  frames?: number
  /** Resolution of the FBO, 256 */
  resolution?: number
  /** Optional environment map for functional use */
  envMap?: THREE.Texture

A responsive THREE.PerspectiveCamera that can set itself as the default.

<PerspectiveCamera makeDefault {...props} />
<mesh />

You can also give it children, which will now occupy the same position as the camera and follow along as it moves.

<PerspectiveCamera makeDefault {...props}>
  <mesh />

You can also drive it manually, it won't be responsive and you have to calculate aspect ratio yourself.

<PerspectiveCamera manual aspect={...} onUpdate={(c) => c.updateProjectionMatrix()}>

You can use the PerspectiveCamera to film contents into a RenderTarget, similar to CubeCamera. As a child you must provide a render-function which receives the texture as its first argument. The result of that function will not follow the camera, instead it will be set invisible while the the FBO renders so as to avoid issues where the meshes that receive the texture are interrering.

<PerspectiveCamera position={[0, 0, 10]}>
  {(texture) => (
    <mesh geometry={plane}>
      <meshBasicMaterial map={texture} />


A responsive THREE.OrthographicCamera that can set itself as the default.

<OrthographicCamera makeDefault {...props}>
  <mesh />

You can use the OrthographicCamera to film contents into a RenderTarget, it has the same API as PerspectiveCamera.

<OrthographicCamera position={[0, 0, 10]}>
  {(texture) => (
    <mesh geometry={plane}>
      <meshBasicMaterial map={texture} />


A THREE.CubeCamera that returns its texture as a render-prop. It makes children invisible while rendering to the internal buffer so that they are not included in the reflection.

type Props = JSX.IntrinsicElements['group'] & {
  /** Number of frames to render, Infinity */
  frames?: number
  /** Resolution of the FBO, 256 */
  resolution?: number
  /** Camera near, 0.1 */
  near?: number
  /** Camera far, 1000 */
  far?: number
  /** Custom environment map that is temporarily set as the scenes background */
  envMap?: THREE.Texture
  /** Custom fog that is temporarily set as the scenes fog */
  fog?: Fog | FogExp2
  /** The contents of CubeCamera will be hidden when filming the cube */
  children: (tex: Texture) => React.ReactNode

Using the frames prop you can control if this camera renders indefinitely or statically (a given number of times). If you have two static objects in the scene, make it frames={2} for instance, so that both objects get to "see" one another in the reflections, which takes multiple renders. If you have moving objects, unset the prop and use a smaller resolution instead.

  {(texture) => (
      <sphereGeometry />
      <meshStandardMaterial envMap={texture} />


If available controls have damping enabled by default, they manage their own updates, remove themselves on unmount, are compatible with the frameloop="demand" canvas-flag. They inherit all props from their underlying THREE controls. They are the first effects to run before all other useFrames, to ensure that other components may mutate the camera on top of them.

Some controls allow you to set makeDefault, similar to, for instance, PerspectiveCamera. This will set @react-three/fiber's controls field in the root store. This can make it easier in situations where you want controls to be known and other parts of the app could respond to it. Some drei controls already take it into account, like CameraShake, Gizmo and TransformControls.

<CameraControls makeDefault />
const controls = useThree((state) => state.controls)

Drei currently exports OrbitControls , MapControls , TrackballControls, ArcballControls, FlyControls, DeviceOrientationControls, PointerLockControls , FirstPersonControls CameraControls and FaceControls

All controls react to the default camera. If you have a <PerspectiveCamera makeDefault /> in your scene, they will control it. If you need to inject an imperative camera or one that isn't the default, use the camera prop: <OrbitControls camera={MyCamera} />.

PointerLockControls additionally supports a selector prop, which enables the binding of click event handlers for control activation to other elements than document (e.g. a 'Click here to play' button). All elements matching the selector prop will activate the controls. It will also center raycast events by default, so regular onPointerOver/etc events on meshes will continue to work.



This is an implementation of the camera-controls library.

<CameraControls />
type CameraControlsProps = {
  /** The camera to control, default to the state's `camera` */
  camera?: PerspectiveCamera | OrthographicCamera
  /** DOM element to connect to, default to the state's `gl` renderer */
  domElement?: HTMLElement
  /** Reference this CameraControls instance as state's `controls` */
  makeDefault?: boolean
  /** Events callbacks, see: https://github.com/yomotsu/camera-controls#events */
  onStart?: (e?: { type: 'controlstart' }) => void
  onEnd?: (e?: { type: 'controlend' }) => void
  onChange?: (e?: { type: 'update' }) => void


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Horizontal tiles M1 scroll useIntersect Infinite scroll Vertical scroll GLTF and useScroll

type ScrollControlsProps = {
  /** Precision, default 0.00001 */
  eps?: number
  /** Horizontal scroll, default false (vertical) */
  horizontal?: boolean
  /** Infinite scroll, default false (experimental!) */
  infinite?: boolean
  /** Defines the length of the scroll area, each page is height:100%, default 1 */
  pages?: number
  /** A factor that increases scroll bar travel, default 1 */
  distance?: number
  /** Friction in seconds, default: 0.2 (1/5 second) */
  damping?: number
  /** maxSpeed optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed. If damping is 0.2s and looks OK
   *  going between, say, page 1 and 2, but not for pages far apart as it'll move very rapid,
   *  then a maxSpeed of e.g. 0.1 which will clamp the speed to 0.1 units per second, it may now
   *  take much longer than damping to reach the target if it is far away. Default: Infinity */
  maxSpeed?: number
  enabled?: boolean
  style?: React.CSSProperties
  children: React.ReactNode

Scroll controls create a HTML scroll container in front of the canvas. Everything you drop into the <Scroll> component will be affected.

You can listen and react to scroll with the useScroll hook which gives you useful data like the current scroll offset, delta and functions for range finding: range, curve and visible. The latter functions are especially useful if you want to react to the scroll offset, for instance if you wanted to fade things in and out if they are in or out of view.

;<ScrollControls pages={3} damping={0.1}>
  {/* Canvas contents in here will *not* scroll, but receive useScroll! */}
  <SomeModel />
    {/* Canvas contents in here will scroll along */}
    <Foo position={[0, 0, 0]} />
    <Foo position={[0, viewport.height, 0]} />
    <Foo position={[0, viewport.height * 1, 0]} />
  <Scroll html>
    {/* DOM contents in here will scroll along */}
    <h1>html in here (optional)</h1>
    <h1 style={{ top: '100vh' }}>second page</h1>
    <h1 style={{ top: '200vh' }}>third page</h1>

function Foo(props) {
  const ref = useRef()
  const data = useScroll()
  useFrame(() => {
    // data.offset = current scroll position, between 0 and 1, dampened
    // data.delta = current delta, between 0 and 1, dampened

    // Will be 0 when the scrollbar is at the starting position,
    // then increase to 1 until 1 / 3 of the scroll distance is reached
    const a = data.range(0, 1 / 3)
    // Will start increasing when 1 / 3 of the scroll distance is reached,
    // and reach 1 when it reaches 2 / 3rds.
    const b = data.range(1 / 3, 1 / 3)
    // Same as above but with a margin of 0.1 on both ends
    const c = data.range(1 / 3, 1 / 3, 0.1)
    // Will move between 0-1-0 for the selected range
    const d = data.curve(1 / 3, 1 / 3)
    // Same as above, but with a margin of 0.1 on both ends
    const e = data.curve(1 / 3, 1 / 3, 0.1)
    // Returns true if the offset is in range and false if it isn't
    const f = data.visible(2 / 3, 1 / 3)
    // The visible function can also receive a margin
    const g = data.visible(2 / 3, 1 / 3, 0.1)
  return <mesh ref={ref} {...props} />


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Journey stage 1 Watch

Semi-OrbitControls with spring-physics, polar zoom and snap-back, for presentational purposes. These controls do not turn the camera but will spin their contents. They will not suddenly come to rest when they reach limits like OrbitControls do, but rather smoothly anticipate stopping position.

  enabled={true} // the controls can be disabled by setting this to false
  global={false} // Spin globally or by dragging the model
  cursor={true} // Whether to toggle cursor style on drag
  snap={false} // Snap-back to center (can also be a spring config)
  speed={1} // Speed factor
  zoom={1} // Zoom factor when half the polar-max is reached
  rotation={[0, 0, 0]} // Default rotation
  polar={[0, Math.PI / 2]} // Vertical limits
  azimuth={[-Infinity, Infinity]} // Horizontal limits
  config={{ mass: 1, tension: 170, friction: 26 }} // Spring config
  domElement={events.connected} // The DOM element events for this controller will attach to
  <mesh />


![](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Dom only-red)


A rudimentary keyboard controller which distributes your defined data-model to the useKeyboard hook. It's a rather simple way to get started with keyboard input.

type KeyboardControlsState<T extends string = string> = { [K in T]: boolean }

type KeyboardControlsEntry<T extends string = string> = {
  /** Name of the action */
  name: T
  /** The keys that define it, you can use either event.key, or event.code */
  keys: string[]
  /** If the event receives the keyup event, true by default */
  up?: boolean

type KeyboardControlsProps = {
  /** A map of named keys */
  map: KeyboardControlsEntry[]
  /** All children will be able to useKeyboardControls */
  children: React.ReactNode
  /** Optional onchange event */
  onChange: (name: string, pressed: boolean, state: KeyboardControlsState) => void
  /** Optional event source */
  domElement?: HTMLElement

You start by wrapping your app, or scene, into <KeyboardControls>.

enum Controls {
  forward = 'forward',
  back = 'back',
  left = 'left',
  right = 'right',
  jump = 'jump',
function App() {
  const map = useMemo<KeyboardControlsEntry<Controls>[]>(()=>[
    { name: Controls.forward, keys: ['ArrowUp', 'KeyW'] },
    { name: Controls.back, keys: ['ArrowDown', 'KeyS'] },
    { name: Controls.left, keys: ['ArrowLeft', 'KeyA'] },
    { name: Controls.right, keys: ['ArrowRight', 'KeyD'] },
    { name: Controls.jump, keys: ['Space'] },
  ], [])
  return (
    <KeyboardControls map={map}>
      <App />

You can either respond to input reactively, it uses zustand (with the subscribeWithSelector middleware) so all the rules apply:

function Foo() {
  const forwardPressed = useKeyboardControls<Controls>(state => state.forward)

Or transiently, either by subscribe, which is a function which returns a function to unsubscribe, so you can pair it with useEffect for cleanup, or get, which fetches fresh state non-reactively.

function Foo() {
  const [sub, get] = useKeyboardControls<Controls>()

  useEffect(() => {
    return sub(
      (state) => state.forward,
      (pressed) => {
        console.log('forward', pressed)
  }, [])

  useFrame(() => {
    // Fetch fresh data from store
    const pressed = get().back


The camera follows your face.

demo demo

Pre-requisite: wrap into a FaceLandmarker provider

<FaceControls />
type FaceControlsProps = {
  /** The camera to be controlled, default: global state camera */
  camera?: THREE.Camera
  /** Whether to autostart the webcam, default: true */
  autostart?: boolean
  /** Enable/disable the webcam, default: true */
  webcam?: boolean
  /** A custom video URL or mediaStream, default: undefined */
  webcamVideoTextureSrc?: VideoTextureSrc
  /** Disable the rAF camera position/rotation update, default: false */
  manualUpdate?: boolean
  /** Disable the rVFC face-detection, default: false */
  manualDetect?: boolean
  /** Callback function to call on "videoFrame" event, default: undefined */
  onVideoFrame?: (e: THREE.Event) => void
  /** Reference this FaceControls instance as state's `controls` */
  makeDefault?: boolean
  /** Approximate time to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster. */
  smoothTime?: number
  /** Apply position offset extracted from `facialTransformationMatrix` */
  offset?: boolean
  /** Offset sensitivity factor, less is more sensible, default: 80 */
  offsetScalar?: number
  /** Enable eye-tracking */
  eyes?: boolean
  /** Force Facemesh's `origin` to be the middle of the 2 eyes, default: true */
  eyesAsOrigin?: boolean
  /** Constant depth of the Facemesh, default: .15 */
  depth?: number
  /** Enable debug mode, default: false */
  debug?: boolean
  /** Facemesh options, default: undefined */
  facemesh?: FacemeshProps
type FaceControlsApi = THREE.EventDispatcher & {
  /** Detect faces from the video */
  detect: (video: HTMLVideoElement, time: number) => void
  /** Compute the target for the camera */
  computeTarget: () => THREE.Object3D
  /** Update camera's position/rotation to the `target` */
  update: (delta: number, target?: THREE.Object3D) => void
  /** <Facemesh> ref api */
  facemeshApiRef: RefObject<FacemeshApi>
  /** <Webcam> ref api */
  webcamApiRef: RefObject<WebcamApi>
  /** Play the video */
  play: () => void
  /** Pause the video */
  pause: () => void
FaceControls events

Two THREE.Events are dispatched on FaceControls ref object:

  • { type: "stream", stream: MediaStream } -- when webcam's .getUserMedia() promise is resolved
  • { type: "videoFrame", texture: THREE.VideoTexture, time: number } -- each time a new video frame is sent to the compositor (thanks to rVFC)


Internally, FaceControls uses requestVideoFrameCallback, you may need a polyfill (for Firefox).


By default, detect is called on each "videoFrame". You can disable this by manualDetect and call detect yourself.

For example:

const controls = useThree((state) => state.controls)

const onVideoFrame = useCallback((event) => {
  controls.detect(event.texture.source.data, event.time)
}, [controls])

<FaceControls makeDefault

By default, update method is called each rAF useFrame. You can disable this by manualUpdate and call it yourself:

const controls = useThree((state) => state.controls)

useFrame((_, delta) => {
  controls.update(delta) // 60 or 120 FPS with default damping

<FaceControls makeDefault manualUpdate />

Or, if you want your own custom damping, use computeTarget method and update the camera pos/rot yourself with:

const [current] = useState(() => new THREE.Object3D())

useFrame((_, delta) => {
  const target = controls?.computeTarget()

  if (target) {
    // A. Define your own damping

    const eps = 1e-9
    easing.damp3(current.position, target.position, 0.25, delta, undefined, undefined, eps)
    easing.dampE(current.rotation, target.rotation, 0.25, delta, undefined, undefined, eps)

    // B. Or maybe with no damping at all?

    // camera.position.copy(target.position)
    // camera.rotation.copy(target.rotation)



Motion path controls, it takes a path of bezier curves or catmull-rom curves as input and animates the passed object along that path. It can be configured to look upon an external object for staging or presentation purposes by adding a focusObject property (ref).

type MotionPathProps = JSX.IntrinsicElements['group'] & {
  /** An optional array of THREE curves */
  curves?: THREE.Curve<THREE.Vector3>[]
  /** Show debug helpers */
  debug?: boolean
  /** The target object that is moved, default: null (the default camera) */
  object?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>
  /** An object where the target looks towards, can also be a vector, default: null */
  focus?: [x: number, y: number, z: number] | React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>
  /** Position between 0 (start) and end (1), if this is not set useMotion().current must be used, default: null */
  offset?: number
  /** Optionally smooth the curve, default: false */
  smooth?: boolean | number
  /** Damping tolerance, default: 0.00001 */
  eps?: number
  /** Damping factor for movement along the curve, default: 0.1 */
  damping?: number
  /** Damping factor for lookAt, default: 0.1 */
  focusDamping?: number
  /** Damping maximum speed, default: Infinity */
  maxSpeed?: number

You can use MotionPathControls with declarative curves.

function App() {
  const poi = useRef()
  return (
      <MotionPathControls offset={0} focus={poi} damping={0.2}>
        <cubicBezierCurve3 v0={[-5, -5, 0]} v1={[-10, 0, 0]} v2={[0, 3, 0]} v3={[6, 3, 0]} />
        <cubicBezierCurve3 v0={[6, 3, 0]} v1={[10, 5, 5]} v2={[5, 5, 5]} v3={[5, 5, 5]} />
      <Box args={[1, 1, 1]} ref={poi}/>

Or with imperative curves.

    new THREE.CubicBezierCurve3(
      new THREE.Vector3(-5, -5, 0),
      new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, 0),
      new THREE.Vector3(0, 3, 0),
      new THREE.Vector3(6, 3, 0)
    new THREE.CubicBezierCurve3(
      new THREE.Vector3(6, 3, 0),
      new THREE.Vector3(10, 5, 5),
      new THREE.Vector3(5, 3, 5),
      new THREE.Vector3(5, 5, 5)

You can exert full control with the useMotion hook, it allows you to define the current position along the path for instance, or define your own lookAt. Keep in mind that MotionPathControls will still these values unless you set damping and focusDamping to 0. Then you can also employ your own easing.

type MotionState = {
  /** The user-defined, mutable, current goal position along the curve, it may be >1 or <0 */
  current: number
  /** The combined curve */
  path: THREE.CurvePath<THREE.Vector3>
  /** The focus object */
  focus: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D<THREE.Event>> | [x: number, y: number, z: number] | undefined
  /** The target object that is moved along the curve */
  object: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D<THREE.Event>>
  /** The automated, 0-1 normalised and damped current goal position along curve */
  offset: number
  /** The current point on the curve */
  point: THREE.Vector3
  /** The current tangent on the curve */
  tangent: THREE.Vector3
  /** The next point on the curve */
  next: THREE.Vector3

const state: MotionState = useMotion()
function Loop() {
  const motion = useMotion()
  useFrame((state, delta) => {
    // Set the current position along the curve, you can increment indiscriminately for a loop
    motion.current += delta
    // Look ahead on the curve

  <cubicBezierCurve3 v0={[-5, -5, 0]} v1={[-10, 0, 0]} v2={[0, 3, 0]} v3={[6, 3, 0]} />
  <Loop />



Used by widgets that visualize and control camera position.

Two example gizmos are included: GizmoViewport and GizmoViewcube, and useGizmoContext makes it easy to create your own.

Make sure to set the makeDefault prop on your controls, in that case you do not have to define the onTarget and onUpdate props.

  alignment="bottom-right" // widget alignment within scene
  margin={[80, 80]} // widget margins (X, Y)
  onUpdate={/* called during camera animation  */}
  onTarget={/* return current camera target (e.g. from orbit controls) to center animation */}
  renderPriority={/* use renderPriority to prevent the helper from disappearing if there is another useFrame(..., 1)*/}
  <GizmoViewport axisColors={['red', 'green', 'blue']} labelColor="black" />
  {/* alternative: <GizmoViewcube /> */}


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Controls for rotating and translating objects. These controls will stick to the object the transform and by offsetting or anchoring it forms a pivot. This control has HTML annotations for some transforms and supports [tab] for rounded values while dragging.

type PivotControlsProps = {
  /** Scale of the gizmo, 1 */
  scale?: number
  /** Width of the gizmo lines, this is a THREE.Line2 prop, 2.5 */
  lineWidth?: number
  /** If fixed is true is remains constant in size, scale is now in pixels, false */
  fixed?: boolean
  /** Pivot does not act as a group, it won't shift contents but can offset in position */
  offset?: [number, number, number]
  /** Starting rotation */
  rotation?: [number, number, number]
  /** Starting matrix */
  matrix?: THREE.Matrix4
  /** Anchor point, like BBAnchor, each axis can be between -1/0/+1 */
  anchor?: [number, number, number]
  /** If autoTransform is true, automatically apply the local transform on drag, true */
  autoTransform?: boolean
  /** Allows you to switch individual axes off */
  activeAxes?: [boolean, boolean, boolean]
  /** RGB colors */
  axisColors?: [string | number, string | number, string | number]
  /** Color of the hovered item */
  hoveredColor?: string | number
  /** HTML value annotations, default: false */
  annotations?: boolean
  /** CSS Classname applied to the HTML annotations */
  annotationsClass?: string
  /** Drag start event */
  onDragStart?: () => void
  /** Drag event */
  onDrag?: (l: THREE.Matrix4, deltaL: THREE.Matrix4, w: THREE.Matrix4, deltaW: THREE.Matrix4) => void
  /** Drag end event */
  onDragEnd?: () => void
  /** Set this to false if you want the gizmo to be visible through faces */
  depthTest?: boolean
  opacity?: number
  visible?: boolean
  userData?: { [key: string]: any }
  children?: React.ReactNode
  <mesh />

You can use Pivot as a controlled component, switch autoTransform off in that case and now you are responsible for applying the matrix transform yourself. You can also leave autoTransform on and apply the matrix to foreign objects, in that case Pivot will be able to control objects that are not parented within.

const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4()
return (
    onDrag={({ matrix: matrix_ }) => matrix.copy(matrix_)}


storybook Dom only

You can use DragControls to make objects draggable in your scene. It supports locking the drag to specific axes, setting drag limits, and custom drag start, drag, and drag end events.

type DragControlsProps = {
  /** If autoTransform is true, automatically apply the local transform on drag, true */
  autoTransform?: boolean
  /** The matrix to control */
  matrix?: THREE.Matrix4
  /** Lock the drag to a specific axis */
  axisLock?: 'x' | 'y' | 'z'
  /** Limits */
  dragLimits?: [[number, number] | undefined, [number, number] | undefined, [number, number] | undefined]
  /** Hover event */
  onHover?: (hovering: boolean) => void
  /** Drag start event */
  onDragStart?: (origin: THREE.Vector3) => void
  /** Drag event */
  onDrag?: (
    localMatrix: THREE.Matrix4,
    deltaLocalMatrix: THREE.Matrix4,
    worldMatrix: THREE.Matrix4,
    deltaWorldMatrix: THREE.Matrix4
  ) => void
  /** Drag end event */
  onDragEnd?: () => void
  children: React.ReactNode
  <mesh />

You can utilize DragControls as a controlled component by toggling autoTransform off, which then requires you to manage the matrix transformation manually. Alternatively, keeping autoTransform enabled allows you to apply the matrix to external objects, enabling DragControls to manage objects that are not directly parented within it.

const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4()
return (
    onDrag={(localMatrix) => matrix.copy(localMatrix)}


Tranform controls

An abstraction around THREE.TransformControls.

You can wrap objects which then receive a transform gizmo.

<TransformControls mode="translate">
  <mesh />

You could also reference the object which might make it easier to exchange the target. Now the object does not have to be part of the same sub-graph. References can be plain objects or React.MutableRefObjects.

<TransformControls object={mesh} mode="translate" />
<mesh ref={mesh} />

If you are using other controls (Orbit, Trackball, etc), you will notice how they interfere, dragging one will affect the other. Default-controls will temporarily be disabled automatically when the user is pulling on the transform gizmo.

<TransformControls mode="translate" />
<OrbitControls makeDefault />



A y-up oriented, shader-based grid implementation.

export type GridMaterialType = {
  /** Cell size, default: 0.5 */
  cellSize?: number
  /** Cell thickness, default: 0.5 */
  cellThickness?: number
  /** Cell color, default: black */
  cellColor?: THREE.ColorRepresentation
  /** Section size, default: 1 */
  sectionSize?: number
  /** Section thickness, default: 1 */
  sectionThickness?: number
  /** Section color, default: #2080ff */
  sectionColor?: THREE.ColorRepresentation
  /** Follow camera, default: false */
  followCamera?: boolean
  /** Display the grid infinitely, default: false */
  infiniteGrid?: boolean
  /** Fade distance, default: 100 */
  fadeDistance?: number
  /** Fade strength, default: 1 */
  fadeStrength?: number

export type GridProps = GridMaterialType & {
  /** Default plane-geometry arguments */
  args?: ConstructorParameters<typeof THREE.PlaneGeometry>
<Grid />


A hook for a quick way to add helpers to existing nodes in the scene. It handles removal of the helper on unmount and auto-updates it by default.

const mesh = useRef()
useHelper(mesh, BoxHelper, 'cyan')
useHelper(condition && mesh, BoxHelper, 'red') // you can pass false instead of the object ref to hide the helper

<mesh ref={mesh} ... />


A component for declaratively adding helpers to existing nodes in the scene. It handles removal of the helper on unmount and auto-updates it by default.

  <boxGeometry />
  <meshBasicMaterial />

  <Helper type={BoxHelper} args={['royalblue']} />
  <Helper type={VertexNormalsHelper} args={[1, 0xff0000]} />


Plane, Box, Sphere, Circle, Cone, Cylinder, Tube, Torus, TorusKnot, Ring, Tetrahedron, Polyhedron, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Extrude, Lathe, Shape

Short-cuts for a mesh with a buffer geometry.

  args={[1, 1, 1]}                // Args for the buffer geometry
  {...meshProps}                  // All THREE.Mesh props are valid

// Plane with buffer geometry args
<Plane args={[2, 2]} />

// Box with color set on the default MeshBasicMaterial
<Box material-color="hotpink" />

// Sphere with a MeshStandardMaterial
  <meshStandardMaterial color="hotpink" />


A box buffer geometry with rounded corners, done with extrusion.

  args={[1, 1, 1]} // Width, height, depth. Default is [1, 1, 1]
  radius={0.05} // Radius of the rounded corners. Default is 0.05
  smoothness={4} // The number of curve segments. Default is 4
  bevelSegments={4} // The number of bevel segments. Default is 4, setting it to 0 removes the bevel, as a result the texture is applied to the whole geometry.
  creaseAngle={0.4} // Smooth normals everywhere except faces that meet at an angle greater than the crease angle
  {...meshProps} // All THREE.Mesh props are valid
  <meshPhongMaterial color="#f3f3f3" wireframe />


  <myMaterial />

A triangle that fills the screen, ideal for full-screen fragment shader work (raymarching, postprocessing). 👉 Why a triangle? 👉 Use as a post processing mesh


Renders a THREE.Line2 or THREE.LineSegments2 (depending on the value of segments).

  points={[[0, 0, 0], ...]}       // Array of points, Array<Vector3 | Vector2 | [number, number, number] | [number, number] | number>
  color="black"                   // Default
  lineWidth={1}                   // In pixels (default)
  segments                        // If true, renders a THREE.LineSegments2. Otherwise, renders a THREE.Line2
  dashed={false}                  // Default
  vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point
  {...lineProps}                  // All THREE.Line2 props are valid
  {...materialProps}              // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid



Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3 for interpolation.

  start={[0, 0, 0]}               // Starting point, can be an array or a vec3
  end={[10, 0, 10]}               // Ending point, can be an array or a vec3
  mid={[5, 0, 5]}                 // Optional control point, can be an array or a vec3
  color="black"                   // Default
  lineWidth={1}                   // In pixels (default)
  dashed={false}                  // Default
  vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point
  {...lineProps}                  // All THREE.Line2 props are valid
  {...materialProps}              // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid

You can also update the line runtime.

const ref = useRef()
useFrame((state) => {
    [0, 0, 0],
    [10, 0, 0],
    // [5, 0, 0] // Optional: mid-point
}, [])
return <QuadraticBezierLine ref={ref} />


Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.CubicBezierCurve3 for interpolation.

  start={[0, 0, 0]}               // Starting point
  end={[10, 0, 10]}               // Ending point
  midA={[5, 0, 0]}                // First control point
  midB={[0, 0, 5]}                // Second control point
  color="black"                   // Default
  lineWidth={1}                   // In pixels (default)
  dashed={false}                  // Default
  vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point
  {...lineProps}                  // All THREE.Line2 props are valid
  {...materialProps}              // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid


Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 for interpolation.

  points={[[0, 0, 0], ...]}       // Array of Points
  closed={false}                  // Default
  curveType="centripetal"         // One of "centripetal" (default), "chordal", or "catmullrom"
  tension={0.5}                   // Default (only applies to "catmullrom" curveType)
  color="black"                   // Default
  lineWidth={1}                   // In pixels (default)
  dashed={false}                  // Default
  vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point
  {...lineProps}                  // All THREE.Line2 props are valid
  {...materialProps}              // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid


Renders an oriented MediaPipe face mesh:

const faceLandmarkerResult = {
    "faceLandmarks": [
        { "x": 0.5760777592658997, "y": 0.8639070391654968, "z": -0.030997956171631813 },
        { "x": 0.572094738483429, "y": 0.7886289358139038, "z": -0.07189624011516571 },
        // ...
      // ...
    "faceBlendshapes": [
      // ...
    "facialTransformationMatrixes": [
      // ...
const points = faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks[0]

<Facemesh points={points} />
export type FacemeshProps = {
  /** an array of 468+ keypoints as returned by google/mediapipe tasks-vision, default: a sample face */
  points?: MediaPipePoints
  /** @deprecated an face object as returned by tensorflow/tfjs-models face-landmarks-detection */
  face?: MediaPipeFaceMesh
  /** constant width of the mesh, default: undefined */
  width?: number
  /** or constant height of the mesh, default: undefined */
  height?: number
  /** or constant depth of the mesh, default: 1 */
  depth?: number
  /** a landmarks tri supposed to be vertical, default: [159, 386, 200] (see: https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/face-landmarks-detection#mediapipe-facemesh-keypoints) */
  verticalTri?: [number, number, number]
  /** a landmark index (to get the position from) or a vec3 to be the origin of the mesh. default: undefined (ie. the bbox center) */
  origin?: number | THREE.Vector3
  /** A facial transformation matrix, as returned by FaceLandmarkerResult.facialTransformationMatrixes (see: https://developers.google.com/mediapipe/solutions/vision/face_landmarker/web_js#handle_and_display_results) */
  facialTransformationMatrix?: (typeof FacemeshDatas.SAMPLE_FACELANDMARKER_RESULT.facialTransformationMatrixes)[0]
  /** Apply position offset extracted from `facialTransformationMatrix` */
  offset?: boolean
  /** Offset sensitivity factor, less is more sensible */
  offsetScalar?: number
  /** Fface blendshapes, as returned by FaceLandmarkerResult.faceBlendshapes (see: https://developers.google.com/mediapipe/solutions/vision/face_landmarker/web_js#handle_and_display_results) */
  faceBlendshapes?: (typeof FacemeshDatas.SAMPLE_FACELANDMARKER_RESULT.faceBlendshapes)[0]
  /** whether to enable eyes (nb. `faceBlendshapes` is required for), default: true */
  eyes?: boolean
  /** Force `origin` to be the middle of the 2 eyes (nb. `eyes` is required for), default: false */
  eyesAsOrigin?: boolean
  /** debug mode, default: false */
  debug?: boolean


const api = useRef<FacemeshApi>()

<Facemesh ref={api} points={points} />
type FacemeshApi = {
  meshRef: React.RefObject<THREE.Mesh>
  outerRef: React.RefObject<THREE.Group>
  eyeRightRef: React.RefObject<FacemeshEyeApi>
  eyeLeftRef: React.RefObject<FacemeshEyeApi>

You can for example get face mesh world direction:

api.meshRef.current.localToWorld(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1))

or get L/R iris direction:

api.eyeRightRef.current.irisDirRef.current.localToWorld(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1))



Horizontal tiles Horizontal tiles useIntersect Infinite scroll Vertical scroll

A shader-based image component with auto-cover (similar to css/background: cover).

export type ImageProps = Omit<JSX.IntrinsicElements['mesh'], 'scale'> & {
  segments?: number
  scale?: number | [number, number]
  color?: Color
  zoom?: number
  radius?: number
  grayscale?: number
  toneMapped?: boolean
  transparent?: boolean
  opacity?: number
  side?: THREE.Side
function Foo() {
  const ref = useRef()
  useFrame(() => {
    ref.current.material.radius = ... // between 0 and 1
    ref.current.material.zoom = ... // 1 and higher
    ref.current.material.grayscale = ... // between 0 and 1
    ref.current.material.color.set(...) // mix-in color
  return <Image ref={ref} url="/file.jpg" />

To make the material transparent:

<Image url="/file.jpg" transparent opacity={0.5} />

You can have custom planes, for instance a rounded-corner plane.

import { extend } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { Image } from '@react-three/drei'
import { easing, geometry } from 'maath'

extend({ RoundedPlaneGeometry: geometry.RoundedPlaneGeometry })

<Image url="/file.jpg">
  <roundedPlaneGeometry args={[1, 2, 0.15]} />



Hi-quality text rendering w/ signed distance fields (SDF) and antialiasing, using troika-3d-text. All of troikas props are valid! Text is suspense-based!

<Text color="black" anchorX="center" anchorY="middle">
  hello world!

Text will suspend while loading the font data, but in order to completely avoid FOUC you can pass the characters it needs to render.

<Text font={fontUrl} characters="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!">
  hello world!



Render 3D text using ThreeJS's TextGeometry.

Text3D will suspend while loading the font data. Text3D requires fonts in JSON format generated through typeface.json, either as a path to a JSON file or a JSON object. If you face display issues try checking "Reverse font direction" in the typeface tool.

<Text3D font={fontUrl} {...textOptions}>
  Hello world!
  <meshNormalMaterial />

You can use any material. textOptions are options you'd pass to the TextGeometry constructor. Find more information about available options here.

You can align the text using the <Center> component.

<Center top left>

It adds three properties that do not exist in the original TextGeometry, lineHeight, letterSpacing and smooth. LetterSpacing is a factor that is 1 by default. LineHeight is in threejs units and 0 by default. Smooth merges vertices with a tolerance and calls computeVertexNormals.

<Text3D smooth={1} lineHeight={0.5} letterSpacing={-0.025}>{`hello\nworld`}</Text3D>


Abstraction around threes own EffectComposer. By default it will prepend a render-pass and a gammacorrection-pass. Children are cloned, attach is given to them automatically. You can only use passes or effects in there.

By default it creates a render target with HalfFloatType, RGBAFormat. You can change all of this to your liking, inspect the types.

import { SSAOPass } from "three-stdlib"

extend({ SSAOPass })

<Effects multisamping={8} renderIndex={1} disableGamma={false} disableRenderPass={false} disableRender={false}>
  <sSAOPass args={[scene, camera, 100, 100]} kernelRadius={1.2} kernelSize={0} />



A wrapper around THREE.PositionalAudio. Add this to groups or meshes to tie them to a sound that plays when the camera comes near.

  {...props} // All THREE.PositionalAudio props are valid


Adds a <group /> that always faces the camera.

  lockZ={false} // Lock the rotation on the z axis (default=false)
  <Text fontSize={1}>I'm a billboard</Text>


Adds a <group /> that aligns objects to screen space.

  depth={1} // Distance from camera
  <Box>I'm in screen space</Box>


Adds a <object3D /> that scales objects to screen space.

  scale={1} // scale factor
    args={[100, 100, 100]} // will render roughly as a 100px box



A declarative THREE.Texture which attaches to "map" by default. You can use this to create gradient backgrounds.

  <planeGeometry />
      stops={[0, 1]} // As many stops as you want
      colors={['aquamarine', 'hotpink']} // Colors need to match the number of stops
      size={1024} // Size is optional, default = 1024

Radial gradient.

import { GradientTexture, GradientType } from './GradientTexture'
  <planeGeometry />
      stops={[0, 0.5, 1]} // As many stops as you want
      colors={['aquamarine', 'hotpink', 'yellow']} // Colors need to match the number of stops
      size={1024} // Size (height) is optional, default = 1024
      width={1024} // Width of the canvas producing the texture, default = 16
      type={GradientType.Radial} // The type of the gradient, default = GradientType.Linear
      innerCircleRadius={0} // Optional, the radius of the inner circle of the gradient, default = 0
      outerCircleRadius={'auto'} // Optional, the radius of the outer circle of the gradient, default = auto



Abstracts THREE.EdgesGeometry. It pulls the geometry automatically from its parent, optionally you can ungroup it and give it a geometry prop. You can give it children, for instance a custom material. Edges is based on <Line> and supports all of its props.

  <boxGeometry />
  <meshBasicMaterial />
    threshold={15} // Display edges only when the angle between two faces exceeds this value (default=15 degrees)




npm i @nicetouch/drei


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/22/2024
