
JavaScript API for Neutralinojs


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The official JavaScript client for Neutralinojs. Neutralinojs CLI automatically downloads a minified version of neutralino.js and lets you use the Neutralinojs native API via the global Neutralino JavaScript object (aka window.Neutralino). Also, you can download this client from the NPM registry via a Node package manager and bundle with your application:

npm install @neutralinojs/lib
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/lib

See Neutralinojs JavaScript API documentation for more details. Release notes are available at this page. This repository doesn't host the entire Neutralinojs codebase — this is the JavaScript client that Neutralinojs C++ server codebase loads. Browse the Neutralinojs server source code from this repository.

Developer's FAQ

How to build neutralino.js from this repository?

git clone https://github.com/neutralinojs/neutralino.js.git
cd neutralino.js
npm install
npm run build

How to test with the Neutralinojs server?

cd ../neutralinojs
bash ./bin/script_update_client.sh
./bin/neutralino-{platform}_{arch} --load-dir-res # Eg: ./bin/neutralino-linux_x64 --load-dir-res



Contributing to Neutralinojs

We really appreciate your code contributions. Please read this contribution guide before sending a pull request. Thanks for your contributions.


Made with contributors-img.

npm i @neutralinojs/lib


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Neutralinojs
  • released 9/24/2024

