
nestjs module with multiple cipher/hashing implementations

Nest auth Cipher

nestjs module with multiple cipher/hashing implementations

It provides the following ciphers:

  • AES-CBC (via node-forge) (To be replaced with native crypto implementation)

And the following hashing algorithms:


$ npm install --save @nest-auth/cipher argon2 farmhash node-forge
$ npm install --save-dev @types/node-forge


$ yarn add @nest-auth/cipher argon2 farmhash node-forge
$ yarn add -D @types/node-forge

Import it in a module

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CipherModule } from '@nest-auth/cipher';

  imports: [
      // Required options
      iv: '123456',
      secret: 'somesupersecretstring',
      // Optional argon2 options, these are the defaults
      argon2Options: {
        hashLength: 32,
        timeCost: 3,
        memoryCost: 4096,
        parallelism: 1,
        saltLength: 16,
    // Or with Async configuration
      import: [ConfigModule],
      inject: [ConfigService],
      useFactory: config => config.get('cipher'),
export class AppModule {}


Import the CipherService

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CipherService } from '@nest-auth/cipher';

export class SomeService {
    private readonly cipher: CipherService,
  ) {}

Available ConfigService methods


sha256(data: string, digest: import('crypto').HexBase64Latin1Encoding | boolean = 'hex'): strign | Buffer;

Return the sha256 hash of the given string, default as hex. If digest is false, returns a Buffer


encrypt(data: any, secret?: string, iv?: string): string;

Encrypt the given data (transforming it to a string with JSON.strignify) using the AES-CBC algorithm. Returns as hex string. If no secret or iv are passed, the values passed on ConfigModule.forRoot(async) are used.


decrypt(hexString: string, secret?. string, iv?: string): any;

Decrypt a given hex string representing a AES-CBC encrypted data. If no secret or iv are passed, the values passed on ConfigModule.forRoot(async) are used.


farmHash(data: string): number;

Hash the given data using the google farmhash hashing function, thanks to lovell/farmhash

It uses the 32bit platform independent method fingerprint32.


farmHashVerify(value: string, hashed: string | number): boolean

Compare the hash of the given data with the given hash to check it they match


argonHash(value: string): Promise<string>;

Hash the given string using the argon2 algo


argonVerify(value: string, hashed: string): Promise<boolean>;

Compare the hash of the given value with the given hash to check if they match

Static methods


function hashValue(value: string, options?: Options): Promise<string>;
import { hashValue } from '@nest-auth/cipher';

Hash the given string using the argon2 algo, accept a second parameter as argon2 options. Default are:

const defaultConfig: argon2.Options = {
  type: argon2id,
  hashLength: 32,
  timeCost: 3,
  memoryCost: 4096,
  parallelism: 1,
  saltLength: 16,


function verifyValue(value: string, hashed: string, options?: Options): Promise<boolean>;

Compare the hash of the given value with the given hash to check if they match Accept a third parameter as argon2 options. Default values are the same as hashValue

npm i @nest-auth/cipher


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Davide Gheri
  • released 12/14/2020

