
Gremlin-like graph traversal for JSON-LD

Edge Factory Graph Traversal library

This is a graph traversal library, loosely inspired from Gremlin.

Main differences with Gremlin

  • Gremlin uses a property graph, where edges may have properties. Since Edge Factory is in JSON-LD (aka RDF), edges are predicates and cannot embed attributes.

  • In the Edge Factory graph, type is mandatory. We leverage this by auto-indexing on types.


We provide a REPL to play with the edge-graph. You can start it by running npm run repl.

You can then start playing with the API. For example, to


  • fetch all classes that inherit edgeo:Thing
> g.v('edgeo:Thing').in('subClassOf').get('id')
  • get the id and label of Asset instances
> g.t('Asset').get('id', 'label')
  • get the levers, count them, add some conditions
> g.t('Lever').count()
> g.t('Lever').has('timeHorizon', 12).count()
> g.v('edger:process1').out('levers').get('id', 'timeHorizon')
> g.v('edger:process1').out('levers').count()
> g.v('edger:process1').out('levers').has('timeHorizon', 12).count()
> g.v('edger:process1').out('levers').has('timeHorizon', 12).get('id', 'timeHorizon')


TODO: list all API methods

Gotchas :


  • id => return a Vertex
  • array of id => return a VertexList


The data received by a filter function is a Vertex, not a POJO. Use get() to access data fields...

const r = g.v('test:edge')
           .filter(p => p.get().age < 30)
           .get('id', 'age');
npm i @nelson-ai/[email protected]

