
A plugin for the NativeScript framework implementing multiple image picker
NativeScript JavaScript TypeScript iOS Android




Imagepicker plugin supporting both single and multiple selection.

  • Plugin supports iOS8+ and uses QBImagePicker cocoapod.
  • For Android it uses Intents to open the stock images or file pickers. For Android 6 (API 23) and above, the permissions to read file storage should be explicitly required.


Install the plugin by running the following command in the root directory of your app.

npm install @nativescript/imagepicker

Note: Version 3.1 contains breaking changes:

Note: Version 3.0 contains breaking changes:

  • authorize() now returns a Promise<AuthorizationResult> for both android and ios.
  • In the returned result from present() each result[i].thumbnail is now an ImageSource.
  • result[i].duration is now typed correctly as a number.

Note: Version 2.0 contains breaking changes. In order supply more information about your selection, the ImageSource asset is nested in the response so you'll need to update your code to use result.asset instead of result as your src for your Images.

Android required permissions

Add the following permissions to the App_Resources/Android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file:

  • targetSdkVersion < 33
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

<application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" ... >
  • targetSdkVersion >=33(Android 13+)
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

See the complete example here.

iOS required permissions

Using the plugin on iOS requires the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription permission. Modify the app/App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist file to add it as follows:

<string>Description text goes here</string>

Apple App Store might reject your app if you do not describe why you need this permission. The default message Requires access to photo library. might not be enough for the App Store reviewers.

iOS Limited permission

Apple introduced the PHAuthorizationStatusLimited permission status with iOS 14, this is where the user specifies that the app can only access specified photos by choosing the Limit Access.. option in the authorization dialog.

In this case authorise() will return an AuthorizationResult where authorized will be true and the details will contain 'limited'.

Every time the app is launched anew, and the authorize method is called, if the current permission is limited the user will be prompted to update the image selection.

To prevent this prompt, add the following values to your App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist:


Pick images

To pick images (and/or videos) with the plugin, take the steps below:

  1. Import the plugin
import * as imagePickerPlugin from "@nativescript/imagepicker";
  1. Instantiate the picker with selection mode

Instantiate the picker with selection mode by calling the create funciton of the plugin passing it an object that specifies mode(single or multiple) of media assets selection.

let imagePickerObj: ImagePicker = imagePickerPlugin.create({
    mode: "single"});
  1. Pick the images
  • Request for permission Request for permission to access photo library by calling the asynchronous authorize method.
  • Present the list of media assets If authorization request promise has resolved(e.i. the user has granted the permission), present the list of media assets to be picked from by calling the present method.
  • Process the selection The present method resolves with the selected media assets that can you to process and consume.
    .then((authResult) => {
        if(authResult.authorized) {
            return imagePickerObj.present()
                .then(function(selection) {
                    selection.forEach(function(selected) {
                        this.imageSource = selected.asset;
                        this.type = selected.type;
                        this.filesize = selected.filesize;
        } else {
            // process authorization not granted.
    .catch(function (e) {
        // process error


You can play with the plugin on StackBlitz at any of the following links:


ImagePicker class

The class that provides the media selection API. It offers the following methods:

Method Returns Description
constructor(options: Options) ImagePicker Instanciates the ImagePicker class with the optional options parameter. See Options
authorize() Promise<AuthorizationResult> Requests the required permissions. Call it before calling present(). In case of a failed authorization, consider notifying the user for degraded functionality. The returned AuthorizationResult will have it's authorized property set to true if permission has been granted.
present() Promise<ImagePickerSelection[]> Presents the image picker UI.
create(options: Options, hostView: View) ImagePicker Creates an instance of the ImagePicker class. The hostView parameter can be set to the view that hosts the image picker. Intended to be used when opening the picker from a modal page.


An object passed to the create method to specify the characteristics of a media selection.

Option Type Default Description
mode string multiple The mode of the imagepicker. Possible values are single for single selection and multiple for multiple selection.
minimumNumberOfSelection number 0 Optional: (iOS-only) The minumum number of selected assets.
maximumNumberOfSelection number 0 Optional: (iOS-only) The maximum number of selected assets.
showsNumberOfSelectedAssets boolean true Optional: (iOS-only) Display the number of selected assets.
prompt string undefined Optional: (iOS-only) Display prompt text when selecting assets.
numberOfColumnsInPortrait number 4 Optional: (iOS-only) Sets the number of columns in Portrait orientation
numberOfColumnsInLandscape number 7 Optional: (iOS-only) Sets the number of columns in Landscape orientation.
mediaType ImagePickerMediaType Any Optional: The type of media asset to pick whether to pick Image/Video/Any type of assets.
copyToAppFolder string undefined Optional: If passed, a new folder will be created in your applications folder and the asset will be copied there.
renameFileTo string undefined Optional: If passed, the copied file will be named what you choose. If you select multiple, -index will be appended.
showAdvanced boolean false Optional:(Android-only) Show internal and removable storage options on Android (WARNING: not supported officially).
android {read_external_storage: string;} Optional: (Android-only) Provides a reason for permission request to access external storage on API level above 23.


The type of media assets to be selected.

  • Any = 0,
  • Image = 1,
  • Video = 2


Apache License Version 2.0

npm i @nativescript/[email protected]

