
Background upload for iOS and Android
NativeScript background http upload download iOS Android


A plugin that allows you to make background HTTP uploads.



npm install @nativescript/background-http

Use @nativescript/background-http

To make background HTTP calls, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize a background HTTP service

Call the init() function to initialize an HTTP service that runs in the background. Call the method early in your application, in the main.ts file, before the app starts.

import { init } from '@nativescript/background-http';
  1. Upload files

    1. Create an upload session by calling the session() function and passing it the session's unique identifier string, image-upload for example.
    // file path and url
    var file = '/some/local/file/path/and/file/name.jpg';
    var url = 'https://some.remote.service.com/path';
    var name = file.substr(file.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    // upload configuration
    var bghttp = require('@nativescript/background-http');
    var session = bghttp.session('image-upload');
    var request = {
        url: url,
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
        description: 'Uploading ' + name,
    1. Upload files
    • To initiate a simple upload request, call the session's uploadFile() method and pass it the file path and an Upload request object:
    var task = session.uploadFile(filePath, request);
    • To initiate a multipart/form-data upload request or to pass additional data, call the multipartUpload() method. All parameter values must be strings:
    var params = [
    { name: "test", value: "value" },
    { name: "fileToUpload", filename: file, mimeType: "image/jpeg" }
    var task = session.multipartUpload(params, request);

For a successful upload, you should ensure the following are met:

  • The file must be accessible from your app. This may require additional permissions (e.g. access documents and files on the device).
  • The URL must not be blocked by the OS. Android Pie or later devices require TLS (HTTPS) connection by default and will not upload to an insecure (HTTP) URL.

Handle upload task events

Both uploadFile() and multipartUpload() initiate and return a Task instance.

After the upload task is initiated, you can monitor its progress using the following events.

For more information about the events objects, see Task events.

task.on("progress", progressHandler);
task.on("error", errorHandler);
task.on("responded", respondedHandler);
task.on("complete", completeHandler);
task.on("cancelled", cancelledHandler); // Android only

Each event handler receives a single parameter containing the event data.

function progressHandler(e: ProgressEventData) {

    alert("uploaded " + e.currentBytes + " / " + e.totalBytes);

// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// error: java.lang.Exception (Android) / NSError (iOS)
// response: net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) / NSHTTPURLResponse (iOS)
function errorHandler(e: ErrorEventData) {
    alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code.");
    var serverResponse = e.response;

// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// data: string
function respondedHandler(e: ResultEventData) {
    alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code. Server sent: " + e.data);

// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// response: net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) / NSHTTPURLResponse (iOS)
function completeHandler(e: CompleteEventData) {
    alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code");
    var serverResponse = e.response;

// event arguments:
// task: Task
function cancelledHandler(e: EventData) {
    alert("upload cancelled");



import { init } from '@nativescript/background-http';


Initializes an HTTP background service.


import { session } from '@nativescript/background-http';
session: Session = session(id: string)

Gets or creates a background download/upload session by id.

Session Object

The Session object has the following members:

  • uploadFile(fileUri: string, options: Request): Task
  • multipartUpload(params: Array<any>, options: Request): Task

Both methods initiate a new background file(s) upload task. uploadFile() is for a single file upload and multipartUpload() is for multiple files upload. fileUri is the path of the file to upload. The options parameter represents the Request object.

Upload Request Object

The request object parameter has the following properties:

Name Type Description
url string The request url (e.g.https://some.remote.service.com/path).
method string The request method (e.g. POST).
headers object Used to specify additional headers.
description string Used to help identify the upload task locally - not sent to the remote server.
utf8 boolean (Android only/multipart only) If true, sets the charset for the multipart request to UTF-8. Default is false.
androidNotificationOnProgressTitle string Use this to set the on progress title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnProgressMessage string Use this to set the on progress message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCompleteTitle string Use this to set the on complete message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCompleteMessage string Use this to set the on error title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnErrorTitle string Use this to set the on error title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnErrorMessage string Use this to set the on error message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCancelledTitle string Use this to set the on cancelled title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCancelledMessage string Use this to set the on cancelled message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidAutoDeleteAfterUpload boolean (Android only) Used to set if files should be deleted automatically after upload.
androidMaxRetries number (Android only) Used to set the maximum retry count. The default retry count is 0. https://github.com/gotev/android-upload-service/wiki/Recipes#backoff
androidAutoClearNotification boolean (Android only) Used to set if notifications should be cleared automatically upon upload completion. Default is false. Please note that setting this to true will also disable the ringtones.
androidRingToneEnabled boolean (Android only) Used to set if a ringtone should be played upon upload completion. Default is true. Please note that this flag has no effect when androidAutoClearNotification is set to true.
androidNotificationChannelID string (Android only) Used to set the channel ID for the notifications.

Note: The Android Notification titles/messages can be constructed with one of the following placeholders which will be replaced by the system:

  • [upload_rate]: replaced with the current upload rate/speed
  • [upload_progress]: replaced with the current upload progress
  • [upload_elapsed_time]: replaced with the elapsed time

Task object

The task object has the following properties and methods, that can be used to get information about the upload:

Name Type Description
upload number Bytes uploaded.
totalUpload number Total number of bytes to upload.
status string One of the following: error, uploading, complete, pending, cancelled.
description string The description set in the request used to create the upload task.
cancel() void Call this method to cancel an upload in progress.
on() void The method used to add task events handlers.


Name Type Description
eventName string Event name. For example, progress.
object Task The task that triggered the event.

All the task events extend the EventData interface.


Name Type Description
currentBytes number The bytes transfered so far.
totalBytes number The expected bytes to transfer.


Name Type Description
data string The string response from the server.
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.


Name Type Description
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.
response net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) | NSHTTPURLResponse(iOS) The response from server.


Name Type Description
error NSError | java.lang.Exception Provides the underlying error. NSError for iOS or java.lang.Exception for Android.
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.
response net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) | NSHTTPURLResponse(iOS) The response from server.



import { init } from '@nativescript/background-http';


Initializes an HTTP background service.


import { session } from '@nativescript/background-http';

session: Session = session(id)

Gets or creates a background download/upload session by id.



A method of the session object that initiates a background task to upload the specified file encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Parameter Type Description
filePath string The path of the file to upload.
request Request Provides the metadata for background request.



A method of the session object that initiates a background task to upload the specified file encoded as multipart/form-data.

Upload request object

The request object parameter has the following properties:

Name Type Description
url string The request url (e.g.https://some.remote.service.com/path).
method string The request method (e.g. POST).
headers object Used to specify additional headers.
description string Used to help identify the upload task locally - not sent to the remote server.
utf8 boolean (Android-only, multipartUpload()-only) If true, sets the charset for the multipart request to UTF-8. Default is false.
androidNotificationOnProgressTitle string Use this to set the on progress title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnProgressMessage string Use this to set the on progress message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCompleteTitle string Use this to set the on complete message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCompleteMessage string Use this to set the on complete message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnErrorTitle string Use this to set the on error title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnErrorMessage string Use this to set the on error message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCancelledTitle string Use this to set the on cancelled title shown in the Android notifications center.
androidNotificationOnCancelledMessage string Use this to set the on cancelled message shown in the Android notifications center.
androidAutoDeleteAfterUpload boolean (Android-only) Used to set if files should be deleted automatically after upload.
androidMaxRetries number (Android-only) Used to set the maximum retry count. The default retry count is 0. https://github.com/gotev/android-upload-service/wiki/Recipes#backoff
androidAutoClearNotification boolean (Android-only) Used to set if notifications should be cleared automatically upon upload completion. Default is false. Please note that setting this to true will also disable the ringtones.
androidRingToneEnabled boolean (Android-only) Used to set if a ringtone should be played upon upload completion. Default is true. Please note that this flag has no effect when androidAutoClearNotification is set to true.
androidNotificationChannelID string (Android-only) Used to set the channel ID for the notifications.

Note: The Android Notification titles/messages can be constructed with one of the following placeholders which will be replaced by the system:

  • [upload_rate]: replaced with the current upload rate/speed
  • [upload_progress]: replaced with the current upload progress
  • [upload_elapsed_time]: replaced with the elapsed time

Task object

The task object has the following properties and methods.

Name Type Description
upload number Bytes uploaded.
totalUpload number Total number of bytes to upload.
status string One of the following: error, uploading, complete, pending, cancelled.
description string The description set in the request used to create the upload task.
cancel() void Call this method to cancel an upload in progress.
on() void The method used to add Task events handlers.

Task events

The following are events emitted for different progress states of a background task:

  • EventData
Name Type Description
eventName string Event name. For example, progress.
object Task The task that triggered the event.

All the following task events extend the preceding EventData interface.

  • ProgressEventData
Name Type Description
currentBytes number The bytes transfered so far.
totalBytes number The expected bytes to transfer.
  • ResultEventData
Name Type Description
data string The string response from the server.
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.
  • CompleteEventData
Name Type Description
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.
response net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) | NSHTTPURLResponse(iOS) The response from server.
  • ErrorEventData
Name Type Description
error NSError | java.lang.Exception Provides the underlying error. NSError for iOS or java.lang.Exception for Android.
responseCode number HTTP response code if response object is present. -1 otherwise.
response net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) | NSHTTPURLResponse(iOS) The response from server.

Test the plugin locally

To test the plugin , you must have a server instance to accept the uploads. There are online services that can be used for small file uploads - e.g. http://httpbin.org/post However, these cannot be used for large files. The plugin repository comes with a simple server you can run locally. Here is how to start it:

cd demo-server
npm i
node server 8080

The above commands will start a server listening on port 8080. Remember to update the URL in your app to match the address/port where the server is running.

Note: If you are using the iOS simulator then http://localhost:8080 should be used to upload to the demo server. If you are using an Android emulator, should be used instead.


Apache License Version 2.0

npm i @nativescript/background-http

