
Allows you to easily add a collection view (grid list view) to your projects. Supports vertical and horizontal modes, templating, and more.
NativeScript JavaScript Android iOS RadListView CollectionView collection view grid view grid list view and 14 more...


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Allows you to easily add a collection view (grid list view) to your projects. Supports vertical and horizontal modes, templating, and more.

iOS Demo Android Demo

Table of Contents


Run the following command from the root of your project:

ns plugin add @nativescript-community/ui-collectionview



Property Description
itemLoading Triggered when generating an item in the CollectionView.
itemTap Triggered when the user taps on an item in the CollectionView.
loadMoreItems Triggered when the generated items reached the end of the items property.
scroll Triggered on collectionview scroll.
scrollEnd Triggered on collectionview scroll end.
itemReorderStarting Triggered when a reorder is starting. Changing the returnValue of the event data allows you to cancel it
itemReorderStarted Triggered when a reorder started.
itemReordered Triggered when a reorder finished.
dataPopulated Triggered when a refresh has been called.


Property Type Description
ios UICollectionView Gets the native iOS view that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on iOS.
android android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView Gets the native android widget that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on Android OS.
items array or ItemsSource Gets or sets the items collection of the CollectionView. The items property can be set to an array or an object defining length and getItem(index) method.
itemTemplate string Gets or sets the item template of the CollectionView.
rowHeight PercentLength Gets or sets the height for every row in the CollectionView.
colWidth PercentLength Gets or sets the width for every column in the CollectionView.
spanSize function Triggered when an item is loaded. Returns the number of columns that the element should occupy taking into account colWidth when the device is vertical and rowHeight when horizontal. Parameters: (item, index: number).
scrollOffset number Gets the current scroll.
orientation vertical or horizontal Sets the orientation of the CollectionView. Defaults to vertical.


Name Return Description
refresh() void Forces the CollectionView to reload all its items.
refreshVisibleItem() void Forces CollectionView to reload visible items.
scrollToIndex(index: number, animated: boolean = true) void Scrolls the CollectionView to the item with the given index. This can be either animated or not. Defaults to animated.
isItemAtIndexVisible(index: number) boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the item is visible.


You need to add xmlns:gv="@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview" to your page tag, and then simply use <gv:CollectionView/> in order to add the widget to your page. Use <gv:Gridview.itemTemplate/> to specify the template for each cell:

Simple Example

Create a simple array of objects in your JS/TS file.

const items = [
    { index: 0, name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
    { index: 1, name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
    { index: 2, name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
    { index: 3, name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
    { index: 4, name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' },
    { index: 5, name: 'GREEN SEA', color: '#16a085' },
    { index: 6, name: 'NEPHRITIS', color: '#27ae60' },
    { index: 7, name: 'BELIZE HOLE', color: '#2980b9' },
    { index: 8, name: 'WISTERIA', color: '#8e44ad' },
    { index: 9, name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', color: '#2c3e50' }
<!-- test-page.xml -->
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" xmlns:gv="@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview" loaded="pageLoaded">
        <gv:CollectionView items="items" colWidth="50%" rowHeight="100">
                <Label text="value" verticalAlignment="center"/>

Templates Example

You can also have multiple templates the same way you add them in the builtin ListView control:

<gv:CollectionView id="gv" row="0" class="cssClass" items="items" 
                colWidth="colWidth" rowHeight="rowHeight" itemTemplateSelector="templateSelector"
                itemTap="gridViewItemTap" itemLoading="gridViewItemLoading" loadMoreItems="gridViewLoadMoreItems">
        <template key="odd">
            <GridLayout backgroundColor="#33ffff" style="margin: 10 10 0 0">
                <Label text="value" verticalAlignment="center"/>

        <template key="even">
            <GridLayout backgroundColor="#33ffff" rows="auto, auto" style="margin: 10 10 0 0">
                <Label row="0" text="value" verticalAlignment="center"/>
                <Label row="1" text="value" verticalAlignment="center"/>
export function templateSelector(item: any, index: number, items: any) {
    return index % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd";

Usage in Angular

Import the module into your project.

import { CollectionViewModule } from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/angular';

    imports: [

Simple Example

Create a simple array of objects in your Typescript file.

items = [
    { index: 0, name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
    { index: 1, name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
    { index: 2, name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
    { index: 3, name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
    { index: 4, name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' },
    { index: 5, name: 'GREEN SEA', color: '#16a085' },
    { index: 6, name: 'NEPHRITIS', color: '#27ae60' },
    { index: 7, name: 'BELIZE HOLE', color: '#2980b9' },
    { index: 8, name: 'WISTERIA', color: '#8e44ad' },
    { index: 9, name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', color: '#2c3e50' }

Add the following to your component HTML.

<CollectionView [items]="items" colWidth="50%" rowHeight="100">
    <ng-template let-item="item">
        <Label [text]="item.name"></Label>

Templates Example

If you want to use multiple item templates, you can do that very similarly to how you do it for the builtin ListView control. The only difference is that due to current limitations instead of using the nsTemplateKey directive you need to use the cvTemplateKey directive that comes from the CollectionView. (In a future version, once the framework allows it this will be changed and you will be able to use the same directive for the CollectionView as well)

<CollectionView row="1" [items]="items" colWidth="33%" rowHeight="100" [itemTemplateSelector]="templateSelector">
    <ng-template cvTemplateKey="Defender" let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
        <StackLayout [nsRouterLink]="['/item', item.id]" borderColor="blue" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
        <Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.name" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>

    <ng-template cvTemplateKey="Goalkeeper" let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
        <StackLayout [nsRouterLink]="['/item', item.id]" borderColor="black" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
        <Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.name" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>

    <ng-template cvTemplateKey="Midfielder" let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
        <StackLayout [nsRouterLink]="['/item', item.id]" borderColor="yellow" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
        <Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.name" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>

    <ng-template cvTemplateKey="Forward" let-item="item" let-odd="odd">
        <StackLayout [nsRouterLink]="['/item', item.id]" borderColor="red" borderWidth="2" borderRadius="5" verticalAlignment="stretch" class="list-group-item" [class.odd]="odd">
        <Label verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.name" class="list-group-item-text" textWrap="true"></Label>

For a more complete example, look in the demo-ng directory.

Usage in Vue 3

Register the plugin in your app.ts.

import CollectionView from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/vue3';

const app = createApp(YourComponent);

Simple Example

In your component, add the following to make a simple array of objects.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ObservableArray } from '@nativescript/core';
import { ref } from "nativescript-vue";

const itemList = ref(new ObservableArray([
    { name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
    { name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
    { name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
    { name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
    { name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' }

Then add the following XML to your component.

<CollectionView :items="itemList" colWidth="50%" rowHeight="100">
     <template #default="{ item }">
        <StackLayout :backgroundColor="item.color" >
            <Label :text="item.name"/>

For a more complete example, look in the demo-vue3 and demo-snippets/vue3 directory.

Usage in Vue 2

Register the plugin in your app.ts.

import CollectionView from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/vue';

Simple Example

In your component, add the following to make a simple array of objects.

export default {
    // ...
    data() {
        const items = [
            { index: 0, name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
            { index: 1, name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
            { index: 2, name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
            { index: 3, name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
            { index: 4, name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' },
            { index: 5, name: 'GREEN SEA', color: '#16a085' },
            { index: 6, name: 'NEPHRITIS', color: '#27ae60' },
            { index: 7, name: 'BELIZE HOLE', color: '#2980b9' },
            { index: 8, name: 'WISTERIA', color: '#8e44ad' },
            { index: 9, name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', color: '#2c3e50' }
        return {
            itemList: items
    // ...

Then add the following XML to your component.

        <Label :text="item.name"></Label>

For a more complete example, look in the demo-vue directory.

Usage in Svelte

Register the plugin in your app.ts.

import CollectionViewElement from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/svelte';

Simple Example

In you component, add the following to import Svelte Templates and to create a simple array of objects.

import { Template } from 'svelte-native/components';

const items = [
    { index: 0, name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
    { index: 1, name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
    { index: 2, name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
    { index: 3, name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
    { index: 4, name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' },
    { index: 5, name: 'GREEN SEA', color: '#16a085' },
    { index: 6, name: 'NEPHRITIS', color: '#27ae60' },
    { index: 7, name: 'BELIZE HOLE', color: '#2980b9' },
    { index: 8, name: 'WISTERIA', color: '#8e44ad' },
    { index: 9, name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', color: '#2c3e50' }

Then add the following XML to your component:

    <Template let:item>
        <label text="{item.name}" />

For a more complete example, look in the demo-svelte directory.

Usage in React

Register the plugin in your app.ts.

import { registerCollectionView } from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/react';

Simple Example

In your component, add the following code to create a simple list.

import { CollectionView } from '@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview/react';

const items = [
    { index: 0, name: 'TURQUOISE', color: '#1abc9c' },
    { index: 1, name: 'EMERALD', color: '#2ecc71' },
    { index: 2, name: 'PETER RIVER', color: '#3498db' },
    { index: 3, name: 'AMETHYST', color: '#9b59b6' },
    { index: 4, name: 'WET ASPHALT', color: '#34495e' },
    { index: 5, name: 'GREEN SEA', color: '#16a085' },
    { index: 6, name: 'NEPHRITIS', color: '#27ae60' },
    { index: 7, name: 'BELIZE HOLE', color: '#2980b9' },
    { index: 8, name: 'WISTERIA', color: '#8e44ad' },
    { index: 9, name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', color: '#2c3e50' }

interface Item {
    index: number;
    name: string;
    color: string;

const cellFactory = (item: Item) => (
    <label text={item.name} />

export function First() {
    return (
        <CollectionView items={items} colWidth="50%" rowHeight="100" cellFactory={cellFactory} width="100%" height="100%" />

For a more complete example, look in the demo-react directory.


This repository includes Angular, Vue.js, and Svelte demos. In order to run these execute the following in your shell:

$ git clone https://github.com/@nativescript-community/ui-collectionview
$ cd ui-collectionview
$ npm i
$ npm run setup
$ npm run build # && npm run build.angular
$ cd demo-ng # or demo-vue or demo-svelte
$ ns run ios|android

Demos and Development

Repo Setup

The repo uses submodules. If you did not clone with --recursive then you need to call

git submodule update --init

The package manager used to install and link dependencies must be pnpm or yarn. npm wont work.

To develop and test: if you use yarn then run yarn if you use pnpm then run pnpm i

Interactive Menu:

To start the interactive menu, run npm start (or yarn start or pnpm start). This will list all of the commonly used scripts.


npm run build.all

WARNING: it seems yarn build.all wont always work (not finding binaries in node_modules/.bin) which is why the doc explicitly uses npm run


npm run demo.[ng|react|svelte|vue].[ios|android]

npm run demo.svelte.ios # Example

Demo setup is a bit special in the sense that if you want to modify/add demos you dont work directly in demo-[ng|react|svelte|vue] Instead you work in demo-snippets/[ng|react|svelte|vue] You can start from the install.ts of each flavor to see how to register new demos


Update repo

You can update the repo files quite easily

First update the submodules

npm run update

Then commit the changes Then update common files

npm run sync

Then you can run yarn|pnpm, commit changed files if any

Update readme

npm run readme

Update doc

npm run doc


The publishing is completely handled by lerna (you can add -- --bump major to force a major release) Simply run

npm run publish

modifying submodules

The repo uses https:// for submodules which means you won't be able to push directly into the submodules. One easy solution is t modify ~/.gitconfig and add

[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
    pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/


If you have any questions/issues/comments please feel free to create an issue or start a conversation in the NativeScript Community Discord.

npm i @nativescript-community/ui-collectionview

