
A cross-platform application monitoring tool, with a focus on error reporting.
NativeScript JavaScript Android iOS Vue preview|https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nativescript-community/sentry/master/images/preview.png

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  • tns plugin add @nativescript-community/sentry

Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues.



You will need to add something like this to your webpack config so that the source maps gets uploaded. I dont set auth or project in the options as i use a .sentryclirc config file.

  • SOURCEMAP_REL_DIR: i almost always set it to ../../sourcemaps
  • SENTRY_PREFIX: the default is app:///
if (!!sentry && !!uploadSentry) {
  config.devtool = false;
      new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
          append: `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${process.env.SENTRY_PREFIX}[name].js.map`,
          filename: join(process.env.SOURCEMAP_REL_DIR, '[name].js.map')
  let appVersion;
  let buildNumber;
  if (isAndroid) {
      const gradlePath = `${appResourcesPath}/Android/app.gradle`;
      const gradleData = readFileSync(gradlePath, 'utf8');
      appVersion = gradleData.match(/versionName "((?:[0-9]+\.?)+)"/)[1];
      buildNumber = gradleData.match(/versionCode ([0-9]+)/)[1];
  } else if (isIOS) {
      const plistPath = `${appResourcesPath}/iOS/Info.plist`;
      const plistData = readFileSync(plistPath, 'utf8');
      appVersion = plistData.match(/<key>CFBundleShortVersionString<\/key>[\s\n]*<string>(.*?)<\/string>/)[1];
      buildNumber = plistData.match(/<key>CFBundleVersion<\/key>[\s\n]*<string>([0-9]*)<\/string>/)[1];
      new SentryCliPlugin({
          release: appVersion,
          urlPrefix: 'app:///',
          rewrite: true,
          release: `${nconfig.id}@${appVersion}+${buildNumber}`,
          dist: `${buildNumber}.${platform}`,
          ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
          include: [join(dist, process.env.SOURCEMAP_REL_DIR)]


For debug mode to work correctly you will need to add this to your webpack (see demo app)



If you use fastlane you can use it to create release and upload dsyms To do that you need to install it:

fastlane add_plugin sentry

Also for now you should install nativescript-set-version as it is needed to read app version, build number.

npm install -D nativescript-set-version

Now you can setup your Fastfile

  • create release
version = ""
versionCode = ""

Dir.chdir("..") do
  version  =  sh("./node_modules/.bin/get-version", platform, "version").gsub(/\n/,'')
  versionCode  =  sh("./node_modules/.bin/get-version", platform, "code").gsub(/\n/,'')
  version: version, # release version to create
  • upload dsyms

Usage in the app

import * as Sentry from '@nativescript-community/sentry';

const buildNumber = await getBuildNumber();
const versionName = await getVersionName();
const buildNumber = await getBuildNumber();
const appId = await getAppId();
    dsn: SENTRY_DSN,
    debug: true,
    enableAutoPerformanceTracking: true,

Reporting NativeScript errors

The onerror method ensures all unhandled NativeScript errors will be caught by Sentry in production, using a custom error handler.

Reporting handled errors

If you would like to send a handled error to Bugsnag, you can pass any Error object to Sentry notify method:

import * as Sentry from '@nativescript-community/sentry';
try {
  // potentially crashy code
} catch (error) {

Reporting promise rejections

To report a promise rejection, use notify() as a part of the catch block:

import * as Sentry from '@nativescript-community/sentry';
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  /* potentially failing code */
.then(function () { /* if the promise is resolved */ })
.catch(function (error) {

Sending diagnostic data

Automatically captured diagnostics

Bugsnag will automatically capture and attach the following diagnostic data:

  • A full stacktrace
  • Battery state
  • Device model and OS version
  • Thread state for all threads
  • Release stage (production, debug, etc)
  • App running duration in the foreground and/or background
  • A device- and vendor-specific identifier

Identifying users

In order to correlate errors with customer reports, or to see a list of users who experienced each error, it is helpful to capture and display user information. Information set on the Bugsnag client is sent with each error report:

Sentry.setUser({"email": "[email protected]"});

Logging breadcrumbs

In order to understand what happened in your application before each crash, it can be helpful to leave short log statements that we call breadcrumbs. The last several breadcrumbs are attached to a crash to help diagnose what events lead to the error.

Automatically captured breadcrumbs

By default, Bugsnag captures common events including:

  • Low memory warnings
  • Device rotation (if applicable)
  • Menu presentation
  • Screenshot capture (not the screenshot itself)
  • Undo and redo
  • Table view selection
  • Window visibility changes
  • Non-fatal errors
  • Log messages (off by default, see configuration options)

Attaching custom breadcrumbs

To attach additional breadcrumbs, use the leaveBreadcrumb function:

    category: 'ui',
    message: 'load main view',
    level: 'info'
npm i @nativescript-community/sentry


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Martin Guillon
  • released 10/22/2024
