
Multiversx SDK Nestjs auth package
multiversx nestjs auth

NPM Version

MultiversX NestJS Microservice Native Authentication Utilities

This package contains a set of utilities commonly used for authentication purposes in the MultiversX Microservice ecosystem.
The package relies on @multiversx/sdk-native-auth-server for validating access tokens signed by MultiversX wallets.


sdk-nestjs-auth is delivered via npm and it can be installed as follows:

npm install @multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth

Obtaining a Native Auth token

This package validates a payload signed by a MultiversX wallet. You can use the MultiversX Utils website to get a token you can use for testing.


  1. Navigate to https://utils.multiversx.com/auth and choose the desired network from the select located in the upper right corner of the page
  2. Click the Generate button
  3. Select a wallet you prefer to use from the modal dialog, and give it access to the page
  4. Done! You can now copy the token and use it as a Bearer token in your requests.

To use it in your requests, you need to have an Authorization header with the value :
Bearer <your_token_goes_here>.

You also need to add an origin header with the value https://utils.multiversx.com.

Note: these steps are only needed while testing. In production, a frontend application will handle token generation


The package provides a series of NestJS Guards that can be used for easy authorization on endpoints in your application.
It also provides some NestJS Decorators that expose the decoded information found in the access token.


The authentication guards need 2 parameters on instantiation.
The fist parameter needs to be an instance of a class implementing the MxnestConfigService interface.
The second one, needs to be an instance of a Caching service

import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiConfigService } from "./api.config.service";
import { MxnestConfigService } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-common";

export class SdkNestjsConfigServiceImpl implements MxnestConfigService {
    private readonly apiConfigService: ApiConfigService,
  ) { }

  getSecurityAdmins(): string[] {
    return this.apiConfigService.getSecurityAdmins();

  getJwtSecret(): string {
    return this.apiConfigService.getJwtSecret();

  getApiUrl(): string {
    return this.apiConfigService.getApiUrl();

  getNativeAuthMaxExpirySeconds(): number {
    return this.apiConfigService.getNativeAuthMaxExpirySeconds();

  getNativeAuthAcceptedOrigins(): string[] {
    return this.apiConfigService.getNativeAuthAcceptedOrigins();

You can register it as a provider, and the DI mechanism of NestJS will handle instantiation for you.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MXNEST_CONFIG_SERVICE } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-common";

  providers: [
      useClass: SdkNestjsConfigServiceImpl,
export class AppModule {}

Using the Auth Guards

NestJS guards can be controller-scoped, method-scoped, or global-scoped. Setting up a guard from the package is done through the @UseGuards decorator from the @nestjs/common package.

Native Auth Guard

NativeAuthGuard performs validation of the block hash, verifies its validity, as well as origin verification on the access token.

import { NativeAuthGuard } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";

export class ProjectsController {
  // your methods...

In the example above the NativeAuthGuard is controller-scoped. This means that all of the methods from ProjectsController will be protected by the guard.

import { NativeAuthGuard } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";

export class ProjectsController {
  async getAll() {
    return this.projectsService.getAll();

  async createProject(@Body() createProjectDto: CreateProjectDto) {
    return this.projectsService.create(createProjectDto);

In this case, the guard is method-scoped. Only createProject benefits from the native auth checks.

Native Auth Admin Guard

NativeAuthAdminGuard allows only specific addresses to be authenticated. The addresses are defined in the config file and are passed to the guard via the MxnestConfigService.

This guard cannot be used by itself. It always has to be paired with a NativeAuthGuard

import { NativeAuthGuard, NativeAuthAdminGuard } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";

@UseGuards(NativeAuthGuard, NativeAuthAdminGuard)
export class AdminController {
  // your methods...

JWT Authenticate Guard

JwtAuthenticateGuard performs validation of a traditional JSON web token. The usage is exactly the same as for the native auth guards.

import { JwtAuthenticateGuard } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";

export class UsersController {
  // your methods...

JWT Admin Guard

JwtAdminGuard relies on the same mechanism, only specific addresses can be authenticated. The addresses are defined in the config file and are passed to the guard via the MxnestConfigService.

There is one caveat: when creating the JWT, the client must include an address field in the payload, before signing it.

import { JwtAuthenticateGuard, JwtAdminGuard } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";

@UseGuards(JwtAuthenticateGuard, JwtAdminGuard)
export class AdminController {
  // your methods...

Jwt Or Native Auth Guard

JwtOrNativeAuthGuard guard will authorize requests containing either JWT or a native auth access token. The package will first look for a valid JWT. If that fails, it will look for a valid native auth access token.

Global-scoped guards

const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
app.useGlobalGuards(new NativeAuthGuard(new SdkNestjsConfigServiceImpl(apiConfigService), cachingService));

Using the Auth Decorators

The package exposes 3 decorators : NativeAuth, Jwt and NoAuth

NativeAuth Decorator

The NativeAuth decorator accepts a single parameter. In can be one of the following values :

  • issued - block timestamp
  • expires - expiration time
  • address - address that signed the access token
  • origin - URL of the page that generated the token
  • extraInfo - optional arbitrary data

Below is an example showing how to use the decorator to extract the signers address :

import { NativeAuthGuard, NativeAuth } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";
import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from "@nestjs/common";

export class AuthController {
  authorize(@NativeAuth('address') address: string): string {
    console.log(`Access granted for address ${address}`);
    return address;

Jwt Decorator

The Jwt decorator works just like NativeAuth. The fields accessible inside it are dependent on the client that created the token, and are out of scope for this documentation.

No Auth Decorator

The NoAuth decorator can be used to skip authorization on a specific method. This is useful when a guard is scoped globally or at the controller level.

import { NoAuth } from "@multiversx/sdk-nestjs-auth";
import { Controller, Get, UseGuards } from "@nestjs/common";

export class PublicController {
  listPosts() {
    // ....
npm i @multiversx/[email protected]

